never use the oven before bed frens! i fell asleep with my cookies baking and now they are burnt

148  2019-05-21 by Gezora


Oh no fren! Where will you put all the ash? You know burning things makes ash and you have to put it somewhere. You can't just burn millions and millions of things and not have any ash to show for it, that's literally impossible, fren!

I saved all the burnt cookie remains. Maybe I can put it to good use making pencils and other stuff I might need around the house. I'm still hungry though so I will cook tendies instead.

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Hi nonfrens! When are you going to make a post about your users using racial slurs in their posts?

I guess you're just OK with racism huh?

Do you read the guys Indian. He abbreviated the name by context it is not a slur because it isn't a slur where he's from. Even then he was still called out for it in the comments 6 times. Where's the multiple people calling out the holocaust denial on this post? Crickets.

can you stop instigating fights in my support thread? you are the only one talking about evil things

He asked a question. I answered it. Please point out an evil thing I mentionedc that wasn't explicitly or implicitly raised already?


it is not a slur because it isn't a slur where he's from.

If it were possible to overdose on hypocrisy and irony we'd all be fucking dead now XD

"Racism is ok when we do it!"

OK nonfren, whatever you say. Make sure you polish up your jackboots before you goose step your way out of here you horrible notsee bigot


When I play vidya, we dont consider the gamer word to be raycis. Does that mean we can say it?


It's not OK, and everyone called it out. Doesn't answer why it's ok to deny the holocaust...

No one said anything about the holocaust, fren. Why are you notsees so obsessed with it?

You need to get help you horrible bigot.

Wow you sure are smarter than everyone. You definitely were not talking about holocaust denial.

Thanks fren.

Maybe if you cry about it some more online you can accomplish something. I'm sure you're whining will pay off any day now.

\o bye fren!

Not really whining. I’m just confused about why you’re not out in the open about it. You’re not subtle so why not just say, yeah, it is about the holocaust. Just own up to it. It’s not subtle enough anyways

Its okay fren! Not everyone fits in everywhere and being seperate is good! You can always go back to your frens at CTH and im sure they will understand you more!

Wow, you sure are smart, I see why you call yourselves the master race. Making thinly veiled comments about the holocaust, then calling the people who call you out 'bigots'.



Oh no

I’m sure you’ll be able to hunt down some more cookies, fren.

Yes but he needs to remove those old gookies first. Once something is burnt it turns into a big hunk of carbon, essentially coal. And we all know the dangers of burning coal!

Burning coal is bad for people and the environment. If you burn the coal you will pay the toll.

coal burners are so nasty fren, dont they think of what they are doing to the planet?

thank g*d we're working towards an environment free from reliance of fossil fuels. I hope we're coal free within our generation!

Those cookies were bad for you fren. You did a good thing!

Don't worry fren we'll find a solution

We can always learn from our failures

We'll find a solution so good we won't need any more solutions after!

a frenly solution!

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Your reeeeeing pleases me.


Hello can I have a cup of sub tlea tea?

Hello nonfrens, you guys need tips for how to bake your cookies just right? my fren here has the solution to your problem

That’s okay fren just add some tendies and you’ll be good

i also tried to make 6 million cookies but it was impossible! not enough ovens, and not enough time to bake!

Fren how many cookies did you have in there? Any tips on how I can maximize my oven baking experience?

Its ok fren i here for you

Hi nonfrens! When are you going to make a post about your users using racial slurs in their posts?

I guess you're just OK with racism huh?

He asked a question. I answered it. Please point out an evil thing I mentionedc that wasn't explicitly or implicitly raised already?