My parents were arguing last night. I think my moms been having an affair with someone named Lavon. I tried to find out more but they won’t tell me anything. Can any of you frens help me find out what’s really going on?

366  2019-05-21 by The_Russian_Troll


oh no fren! thats not very nice. Mabye Lavon can be fren too

I just want to know more about the Lavon affair. I don’t want my parents to get divorced.

Have you tried asking your parents about it, fren? My parents have always been very open with me, but I dont know about yours. I'm sorry if she is having an affair. Affairs aren't very frenly.


I think they were watching a comedian at the King David Hotel, and he was bombing. Then I think they went to the Vela restaurant where there was some kind of incident.

Maybe google can help us find some info about the bombing at the King David Hotel, the Lavon Affair or the Vela Incident

Perhaps we should ask their Egyptian friend, Susannah Operación.

maybe try google fren, search lavon affair maybe lavon sleeps around


If I were your father I wouldn’t argue and walk.

I know that’s not good to hear fren, but in the end if your mom is cheating on your dad, you will not respect your dad for staying. Trust me, I know this first hand :(


I heard of that guy,I think he worked on the USS Liberty years ago,idk what happened that ship

I heard the ship went down as a blood sacrifice

What are we talking about, fellow frens?

afraid this Lavon guy very dangerous. Stay safe fren

Can you please explain fren?

What’s there to explain about Lavon and the affair?

I just want to know more about this “lavon”, idk

Perhaps you should google "the Lavon affair" fren

This is coded antisemitism.


Non-frens: try to mass-bop frens


Frens: "no, non-frens, you can't do that"


Non-frens: "you can't talk about this! This is anti-frenitism!"

Lavon and other non-frens like him are responsible for over 50% of the crime despite making up 6% of the population.

😮 oh my

Lavon will probably blame the affair on some sandfrens, don’t let your dad believe it fren!

That sneaky nonfren. He is responsible for 99% of nonfrenly affairs

sandfren? what is that?

A fren who inhabits sand

You're dad will end up paying 38 billion in alimony if he's not careful

Not good at math, how much is that in tendies?

Approximately 6 gorillion good boy points

Your dad is getting cucked, fren.

The reason your hands tremble is you drink too much fren.

I'm sorry my fren, but this is not something I can help you with. However I can offer many hugs

I like how very few people actually know about the Lavon Affair. Please Google it guys

Surprisingly [{{wikipedia}}] is pretty good on it

M-ds are either complicit or clueless.

Do you have something against people discussing terrorism attempts, fren?

No, but the m-ds have declared war, at least in words.

How so?

They recent PSA said they were trying to get rid of certain references to certain peoples.

Affairs are harmful, undermining our trust. Especially when so many lawyers are involved. Do not trust them, or anyone who tries to cover up Lavon's nefarious deeds.

Don't worry, my parents haven't loved each other in over a decade and they're still married.

Sowwy fren. We all hurt with you.


She must have been lavoning those nuts.


Surprisingly [{{wikipedia}}] is pretty good on it