Frens am i welcome here?

131  2019-05-21 by bushtactics


Ok just don’t expect frenworld to give you $32 billion a year

Frens are more important than shekels

This is how I know you're not a real nosefren

I am! But i care less about shekels because my father thought me to help others with less shekels!

....I have someone else's clay here fren.....would you like some?

Who are real nosefrens? What's so bad about them?

We only talk about frens here.

think you added a zero fren, closer to $3B/y

I would gladly take 3,000 a year to make up for the nonfrencaust. I mean after all, what is $300,000 a year for 6 million of my frens to dissapear forever. I mean seriously, you guys gave us our homeland back, now you MUST pay us $35 billion / year to fund our existence... I mean seriously it is not that big of a deal. Probably only cost you frens 3 million per year. I mean $3 trillion is a scant price to pay to help the chosenfrens, fren. I mean it'll only be $3 a day per goyim its really no big deal at all!

3.8 billion a year for ten years.

Per capita, that would be the equivalent of $140 billion per year, or $1.4 trillion over 10 years, if we were to fund Amerifrens the way we fund nosefrens.

And that's just this particular aid package, to say nothing of all our other frenly assets in the area, or the massive amount that Ameri-nosefrens send.

Okay but can you give us the secret to making effective walls we kinda need one to keep the nonfrens out

If all the frens here hold hands we can make a wall together and keep the nonfrens out!

Is that how you made a wall to keep the nonfrens out?

How do you stop the rockets?

For the rockets we have the iron dome fren for that! It bops the nonfren out of the sky! The sad part is that each rocket costs alot of shekels

I'm glad ur iron dome can bop the nonfrens. Us frens are glad to have an alliance with u.

I wish bopping nonfrens out of the sky was legal.

I'd fire up my Trebuchet everyday :D

Yes the nonfrenly rockets are filled with bad words i am also glad we bop them.

If all the frens here hold hands we can make a wall together and keep the nonfrens out!

The nonfrens just want to be frens. Why don't we let them?

That sounds like something a nonfren would say to trick a fren into being frenly

Well I've met some of the nonfrens in person, and they're more frenly than you think!

nonfren confirmed

Frens should be frenly unless potential fren proves self to be non fren in which case fren should bop the non fren only if they try to be harmfully nonfrenly

Even nonfrens deserve chance to see the frenlyness of the world, it’s up to them to accept it though and frens must defend ourselves from those who seek to make the world less frenly

not sure fren, am already frens with iran. is that ok?

All frens are welcome!

a perrrfec answer! welcome home!

only if frenly

Am frenly :D

Of course. You seem frenly and I know you'll have lots of fun here :)

of course fren welcome

All my frens growing up pledged allegiance to the US... What is dual citizenship?

Only if you advocate other nosenonfrens to stop degenerating frenworld culture


Yes fren, ur cat can come too

Yeah boi


Of course fren, but plz stay away from my shekels. I need them for my family

What's that; you need them for your family?

I think darkfrens need them more. Please put the shekels on the EBT card or we'll send the bops to your house to take them.

Welll.... okay, i don’t want anyone to think i not see, so i guess i can spare a little for darkfrens and then maybe i keep most of my shekels?

All frens are welcome

Of course!


There's no such thing as 'dual frenship.'


do not try to subvert the playground rules so all frens can play, ok?

How come u frens are calling some frens dark frens... what makes them a dark fren?

What's that; you need them for your family?

I think darkfrens need them more. Please put the shekels on the EBT card or we'll send the bops to your house to take them.