I might be getting fired from my job frens. I can’t take another failure I know it’s my fault, I know that I messed up. But I just had no motivation most of the money went to bills and I was left with so little it didn’t feel worth it.

67  2019-05-21 by Joeyccc1


You can take another failure fren, you can take many. Failures build character, you need many to become good fren.

But every one yells at me, my mom, my dad, i hate that i can’t fix my mistakes and I hate that I can’t fix my self.

I know the feeling fren :( You know though many succesful frens have had to fail time and time again. Colonel Sanders of the tendies place only started KFC when he was 62! But apart from that even regular frens, we all fall down and stumble in life, but we have to keep trying, we can't let the nonfrens win!

I'm really sorry that every one yells at you. Sometimes people don't know how to handle things in the right way, but sometimes it is actually out of love and frenliness. You can fix yourself fren, or rather I believe that there is help out there that can help you fix yourself. We all need help, and it can come from even just believing that there's something out there that wants to help you fren!

Just take it small steps at a time. Don't let yourself fall into unfrenliness! That's how you become a nonfren. Just keep trying and never give up :) Try and just think of some small steps at first that you can try and work on. Maybe if it's spending too much time doing this or that, or not having a good schedule.

I know your job was not fulfilling. Maybe this might be a blessing in disguise. Maybe you can think of something you would rather be doing and work towards that. Come up with a plan, and if you are dedicated and stuff your family might also be supportive too fren!

Don't be too hard on yourself, everyone here has failed at somethings or many things and we will continue to make mistakes. Just like we have to forgive other frens, we have to forgive ourselves too! But also always try in some way to work towards something, so you can be more frenly and help other frens in need too one day :)

You can do this fren :) I know there's a plan for you!

Fren I recently left a pretty good job by "mutual consent". I understand how you're feeling and I feel the same. But as real frens we all have each other and we can't let the nasty non frens win. You will find something you enjoy and you will get through it. I also messed up after being praised for being excellent I proceeded to left them down and then some. I'm not sure how I'll bounce back. But we'll do it as a team.

Thanks for the kind words fren.

Of course fren. Frens will always be here for you. And while we cannot cure your feelings we can make you feel less alone.

Good frens create good times gone frens create bad times. Be a good fren.

Listen me frens. You gonna put some running shoes and run 2km (15 to 20 minutes) every 2 days until you reach 5km easy. The other day you gonna start by 25 push up. Then 50 then 75 until 100. You gonna build tiny thing and became strong. You need a strong body to be a strong frens.

Doing sport make you happy and you can have all the tendies after that without getting fat.

Sport saved my life. I go rock climbing. I do MMA. Brazilian jutsu and work a full time job.

You need to be proud of you. You can be proud of you. I m proud of you.

Love you frens

Know the feeling, fren. Make sure you keep doing things you enjoy, even when you feel like things are dark inside you. I will pray you are very soon back in another job, so you just can forget about the other.

I had my first job at 20 while studying, and it really got to me that I lost it, but there simply were mistakes I had to make to learn that I didn’t have the competence needed to be a good employee, yet. It really sucked, but the experience was necessary.

Join the army Fren! they will pay your bills

It's okay fren. I got fired my first couple jobs too because I was so bad at it. I'm now very good at my job. Learn from your failure, build your character. And to be honest, in life, most of your money will go to bills. I'm lucky if I have any money left at the end of the month.