hello frens, my name is To-, err, Rodd Broward and I wanted to let you know about an amazing game that I've been playing: Fallout™ 76! Its an open world online FPS set in the Fallout™ universe, and is available on the Bethesda™ Game Store for the low low price of $59.99!

73  2019-05-21 by bisousbisous1


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okay this time I actually tried so can i please have this re-added thx

Do not worry fren. Everyone can still see it.

yes fren, this post will boost your karma a bit. then we will be frens together :)


Hmm... something seems unfrenly. Rodd have I seen you somewhere before?

Bop Rod. He's a nonfren!

You are a non fren.

Hmmmm Rod Broward.... hmmm.... welcome fren!!! Is there any chance i will be able to buy the rerelease? Or the re rerelease? And a rereREEErelease? I’m super excited for Fallout 75 the Fallout 76 edition!!