There's a cute girl at work and I'm leaving my job soon. She seems like she could be open to being a not-non-fren (she doesn't seem like a clown). Maybe I'm reading into her politeness some. Should I ask her out, frens? She's out of my league, but most lovely ladies are.

43  2019-05-21 by sfx6c


Go for it fren! You'll never know unless you ask!


Yolo it my fren!

Thank you, fren. I think I just need a fren's encouragement.


My advice is to just ask casually if she'd like to keep in touch or grab some coffee since you're going to be leaving your work soon. Don't make it like oh we are going to date and all that sort of thing! If she's cool with it, then take it from there and see where it goes fren! It's always worth a shot. And if she just wants to be frens that's always cool too :) You can always meet more frens through other frens!


Thank you, fren. I was just going to lead with giving her my number. She doesn't text me? Cool. She does? Great. It's a non-intimidating strategy, I think.

Why would a woman be intimidated by you asking her on a date? It's a normal thing that everyone does.

Either she likes you or she doesn't. If she does, she'll say yes. If she doesn't, she'll say no.

If she doesn't like you, then she won't call you and you'll be waiting there wondering whether she's just busy or if she just doesn't want to go out with you.

If she does like you, then you've just decreased your chances by showing her that you didn't have enough confidence to ask her directly.

Much better to make your intentions known up front. That way, if she says yes, you'll both know it's a date and not just a frenly hangout. If she says no, you'll have closure and you can move on with your life.

This is not very good advice fren.

You need to make it clear that you want to do things as a date and not as frens. Otherwise, you will end up in an awkward situation where you think it's a date and she thinks you're hanging out as frens... and if you become frens and then later you tell her that you've always wanted to be more than frens, she will feel betrayed and think you're a lying nonfren, who only ever wanted to hang out with her because you wanted to get into her pants.

Frens should always be honest about what they want. There is absolutely nothing wrong with letting a woman know you want to be more than frens--it's perfectly natural, and asking directly shows you have confidence--and confidence is attractive! It's better to risk rejection with your head held high than to weasel around simply because you're afraid.

Send her pictures of your frenly bits and tell her about your passion for making baby frens.

Bad fren. This is not a way to get a ladyfren.

Fren, you say that most ladies are out of your league but that's not true, you can do it Fren, with dedication and effort you can become a chad Fren and all the ladies will admire you!

Go for it fren and let us know what happens!

"It's better to have loved and lost, than never to have lived at all" -Shakespeare fren. You should Carpe Diem fren!!!

If you are leaving you have nothing to lose. Go for it, fren.

Fren, you shouldn't bother.

The worst she can say fren is no. Be confident fren and be your true self. Maybe don't show your fren side incase she is a honkler. Otherwise, good luck fren!

As Michael Jordan said:

You miss 100% of the frens you don't try to be frens with.