I sad. My favorite band finally coming to my state and I missed tickets by just 30 minutes. I hope they come again next year and I can make it.

44  2019-05-21 by xKagenNoTsukix


Ita okay fren, I'll sing for you if you want.

Thanks fren. _^



Creeper, awww man

Oh no fren :( Keep your eye out on craigslist or something, you might be able to find someone selling extra tickets! They may pop up, you never know. What band was it by the way fren?

They're called BAND-MAID. They're amazing!

Oh cool, I had seen one of their videos before! That's cool that they're coming to the states fren. Hopefully you'll snag a ticket somehow! Try even posting on your state's subreddit closer to the time, someone might have a spare ticket or something like that.

Oh no fren I sorry! What band is ur favorite?

They're name is BAND-MAID.

I'm sorry, fren. Even if you don't get to see your band you still have their lovely musics. I hope they come back soon. Jam out no matter what though. Maybe share their musics with your frens here, too.

I will! and that's a good idea!

If any frens wanna hear some of their music I made a list of my favorite videos! ^_^

You keep plugging them. Is this your band?

aww, i hope they make it to you fren :)

What band

They're called BAND-MAID. They're amazing!