Just pretending

0  2019-05-20 by FriendlyWisconsinite


see ids funny bcuz im really a clown not a nazi :pepe:

I'm not

You glow in the dark, nonfren.

Begone nonfren!

When a group of frens are ignored for the needs of nonfrens this is the eventual outcome.

when frens try to rebel against the hands that feed frens dont get their tendies

they go to the corner

nonfren detected! you will not take my frens away

Drink more tea fren. We have a favorite brand here called subtlety. You should try it.

The OP is a "fragile white redditor" topmind poster. Totally nonfren

Is that the tea that let's you avoid mods even tho everyone else knows?

OP is a disgrace to wisconsinites. Go back to your cheese curds of hate and leave frenworld alone.

I just wanted a swafespace to play pretend with my frens tho

No, you're a shit stirrer. Pardon my language fren but go h*ck yourself.

I just wanted a swafespace to play pretend with my frens tho