Trayfren Martin

8  2019-05-20 by ScuffedRomanReigns


George Zimmerfren did nuffin wrong

President nonfren said he did


He a gud boy. He dindu nuffin. He was just out buying things to make sizurp to get high from cough syrup because he was suspended from school for stealing jewelry and then decided to attack someone and bash their head against the pavement.

Literally dinduin nuffin!

Pahlice brootality and sheeit

Yes, known sizzurp ingredients like

Skittles and Arizona?

Yes, dipshit. You add Robitussin to a drink like the Arizona Watermelon flavored tea, and add skittles to create a codine or DXM based drug known as "Lean"

Oh wow geeze, and look at that. Not only did he have Arizona Iced tea and skittles, here he is on facebook discussing making lean....with Robitussin

Oh and gee golly gosh, the autopsy report on Trayvon Martin shows that, despite his young age, little Trayboon already had liver damaged consistent with DXM abuse.'m sure those are all TOTAL COINCIDENCES tho.

Tell me fren, do you usually talk out your ass when you have no idea what's you're talking about?

He was high that night

"non-psychoactive marijuana metabolite THC-COOH, which can linger in the body for days and weeks with no impairing effects"

If you can't prove he was high that night, and you resort to pulling up Facebook posts from a year prior to the shooting. That's not a good look

Also, Serino, the lead detective,

Serino reports that he thought Zimmerman's head injuries were "marginally consistent with a life-threatening episode, as described by him, during which neither a deadly weapon nor deadly force were deployed by Trayvon Martin."

Also, Trayvon didn't get suspended from school for stealing jewelry as you said. He got suspended for them finding drug residue in his bag. More unecessary disinformation.

Zimmerman disobeyed police orders to follow Martin and tragically killed him that night yet so many people still try to excuse Zimmerman's actions.

hmmm, tell me bud does your babyspeak cover up your inabillity to get anything right?

If you can't prove he was high that night, and you resort to pulling up Facebook posts from a year prior to the shooting. That's not a good look

You're right, it completely destroys your "good boy dindu nuffin" narrative.

Thanks for playing, rabbi

quoting me out of context, alright

and my comment still stands. He wasn't high on lean and you can't prove he was high on THC that night.

Got any other pol sources on hands or are those everything? It honestly baffles me right wingers choose this hill to die on. Not tax cuts or "free markets" but the killing of an unarmed minority.

You probably could've impacted sonething tangible but you choose to post on frenworld all day. You do you I guess 😕

that kid was a no good criminal

Guilty of having more of a social life than these dweebs, which is why they’re mad about the lean and pot. They have nobody to do drugs with.

LOL only degenerate losers do drugs

Again, my man here has no friends.

whatever junkie loser


I don’t think you know what pot is lmao

Zimmerfren did nothing wrong

Disobeying police orders, following, then killing an unarmed teen.

I guess you're too far in to take a look at the facts and come to your own conclusions. Why do that when you can regurgitate talking points with a dash of baby speak!

Criminal he was a criminal

Yes you're totally right, Zimmerman is a criminal

On July 13, 2013, he was acquitted of all charges in Florida v. George Zimmerman. 🤣🤣🤣

A Florida jury that was white in a ratio of 11-1


If Martin is a criminal in your eyes, Zimmerman should be too.

America is a white country whats your point?

Guilty of plenty of other violent acts...

He literally went against what the 911 operator and chased Trayvon when he ran away. The kid literally ran away from George and George chased him down. When they specifically told him not to.

He chasing a criminal

What crime was Trayvon committing?


attacking zimmerman

You mean he defended himself? Trayvon Ean from him and George chased him after the 911 operator told him not to.

yes zimmerman was defending himself from Trayvon attacking him and fearing for his life shot him case closed

He feared for his life so he chased after him...? That doesn't make any sense.

made sense to the people who acquitted him

Based on the fact he was the only know nothing about this case.

Walking while black obviously

are we arguing that smoking weed or otherwise abusing drugs makes you a bad person, or one deserving of a "one-way ticket to hell"??????


He was minding his own business and got harassed. He literally ran away from Zimmerman and Zimmerman chased after him when the 911 operator strictly told him not to. He wasn't part of any neighborhood watch either. Trayvon Martin got killed for beating a grown man's ass in self defense. The ONLY eyewitness alive is Zimmerman and you think he'd say some shit to get him in trouble? Trayvon literally didn't do anything. He fucking fled.

Cant flim flam the zim zam


Yes because having WEED in your system (very disingenuous to phrase it as the way you did) justifies the execution of a teenager, I know this is an old post but I hope you see this. You are scum, your priorities are fucked, kill yourself.



He in hell.

He wuz a good fren, he went to Church erry Sunday

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The funny thing is, I live right next to the city where he was shot.

hahahahaha guiz racism is so le funni!!!!!

lol no

Cant flim flam the zim zam

that kid was a no good criminal

LOL only degenerate losers do drugs