Top minds: FRENWORLD IS A HARASSING HATE SUB! Also top minds:

113  2019-05-20 by Sad-Shrimp


Ah yes, the twin evils of nationalism and populism.

What kind of SICK FUGG would want to see their nation take care of themselves or see the general good of the majority population addressed?

Obviously surrendering you national sovereignty to global unelected financiers and disregarding your own population in order to placate a subversive and antagonistic foreign element is the smart way to go. I mean why would I take care of my own house and my own family when I can send my paycheck to the house across the street to the family that throws bricks through my windows and steals my bike. Amirite, frens??


Frens can have opinions.

Everyone can have an opinion, but there’s a time and a place to voice them

Frenworld has a rich history of political discussion.

Wait are you against or for this sub

I frenly, fren

Have some good boy points

How many, fren?

Can only give one at a time sorry

You should tell frens that first.

I thought you handing out more.

Why do they want to make us mad?

Why do nonfrens want us to sacrifice ourselves to take care on Nonfrens? I just want to eat tendies with my frens :(

I just wanted to play my Frentendo, why did they make us do this?

best. answer. ever.

lol i support all those things

Topminds are really weird...

r/topmindsofreddit are some really odd people...

r/Topmindsofreddit: are wrong r/topmindsofreddit:AHHHHHHHHHHH

"No u"

Unfrenly problems require unfrenly solutions


Cats eat clowns. #FrenCatFact