Gf and I are having issues and my depressions gettin real bad, can I have a hug frens?

252  2019-05-19 by IffyRazu


What is that growth on your neck?

that's very rude

that's not a very frenly thing to say

Remember fren, great highs are only there if there are lows. You are also not wrong for feeling sad. Is ok, accept it as normal part of life’s cycle and it won’t last forever.

Best of luck fren and God Bless!

Thank you fren, I truly appreciate it

hugs sad fren

Chawenges shapes chawackter, fren!

Only nonfrens brag about their sex life on reddit

As the great fren bob ross said “you have to have dark to show light” things will get better fren but for now a hug!


Not really in the writing mood but I wish you the best of luck in your struggles.

A life without struggle is imaginary, and a life with struggle can be the most beautiful thing on earth.

I love you all, frens

I love you both

if you are stronk, she will folo you. do not worry!

if she wil not folo you, then she dusnt deserve you at ur stronkest

it's okay fren, my depresso was getting bad earlier this month but it always gets better.

Hello my frens. I will give you a life advice. Go to your climbing Boulder gym and go climb with your girl. It will save your love. Have a good climb, Best regards. Your frens

Tell GF about your depress, try to understan why you're both upset, and put problems away so u can focus on getting out and getting the depress out. even if outside looks unfrenly, go out!! try going to dog shelter, or find nice club!! go out and do nice things with gf. Hugs and hope sent your way, fren, Here all the way 💖

Me too fren. There will always be ups and downs but things happen for a reason and frens will always be here!