i have hard exam tomorrow frens, wish me luck

320  2019-05-19 by brtln_



hope you do well :)

A levels by any chance?

nope, not from britain

Well good luck anyways, fren. I got exams too.

Good luck fren!

Best wishes fren!! What subject is it?


Oooo good luck fren!

Ask he top minds to help you study. They are very smart.

i dont think they are very helpful sadly :(

Good luck, fren! Hope your big brain will be in shape

Me too fren! Best of luck!

Best of luck fren

Many luck fren, an any other frens needing it!

Me too


You look very smart fren! You'll do great!

you're a fat incel who will die a virgin

Top kek.

how did it go fren? :)

i dont have the results yet but it was pretty good :)

Good luck fren

hope you do well :)

i dont have the results yet but it was pretty good :)