Frens, I got rejected from art school

326  2019-05-19 by Mister_Teapot


Don't worry fren, you'll be known around the world! But not for your artistic skills.............

But I like my art, fren. It makes me happy.

You don't need a school for people to appreciate your art fren

art has many different mediums fren

Maybe I try write books now

What will you name book fren? I wish to buy when ready

Book is about you guys since you were so helpful.

I will call it Mine Frens

that sounds like a good name fren!

You should write about your struggles in life. Maybe practice public speaking in a mirror for a bit and then try out your act on your frens at the local beer hall.

hugs, fren, since it is about frens, what about '''my snuggle''?

Dont get me wrong, Im all for frenworld but now you guys are just giving us a bad name.

I don't really think this is a joke that crosses a line, but if it was I apologize.

r/topmindsofreddit is a circle jerk they'll take anything they can to smear us.

I've spent the last day dealing with those nutjobs. You're right they will use anything. I just don't want them to be able to dictate what we can joke about. I mean nothing here endorses any of his views, its just a joke about who he is.

I guess your right, r/topmindsofreddit shouldn be telling us what we can or cant joke about or else they'll have to fuck over r/darkjokes and r/imgoingtohellforthis for having jokes that arent exactly light hearted. Their taking it upon themselves to judge other subreddits.

As long as we stay within the rules of reddit and don't let them have any effect on us we'll be just fine.

We should be unless r/topmindsofreddit sics some admins on us.

Frens are not slaves

We do not conform our behavior in a spurious attempt to please nonfrens

naw it was pretty funny. If those faggets..err nonfrens get triggered by a accurate historical reference they can bitch about it in my deathcam...err frencamp

This is not the worst. Mustache man as rejected artist student is a meme all over Reddit.


Autistic talent is even more super than artistic talent. don’t worry fren you will get through it :)

What do I do with life if I can't pursue art fren?

Dont worry fren. Art is very hard to master and it takes time. Theres no hurry

They say I'm no good

They rejected me two times now and I want to give up

Hang in there. Think of other frenly ways you can serve your country. Maybe some public service in politics is better suited to your talents. I believe in you, fren.

Fren, know that you don’t need an art school degree to be an artist!

Have you thought about perhaps getting into politicals fren?

politic and book writing sound good


Have you thought about a book on kampfy chairs?

that sound awesome fren, my uncle wrote one!

What does this post have to do with politics, fren?

It'S a JoKe FrEn

this fren went to inner city schools

Move to L.A.

But you pant sush beutiful castles fren

Art school say is no good

You can come to my art school fren :)

A Walter ppk never rejected you fren!

Biggest oof.

maybe try your hand at raising chickens or maybe politics fren


Yeah art school is useless OP it's alright. You can get into the industry without a degree that basically tells employers "I slacked off and took a lot of acid for 4 years."



Don't worry. You can do far better by helping frens win.

Schade! Not enough diversity in your work?

What do you mean?

Thats okay fren! Im sure you're good at art! You don't need that degree to be successful!

Pursue your dreams fren and eliminate all who stand in your way. Stay strong and use your charisma to rally other frens!

Uh oh fren, this looks like something r/topmindsofreddit wouldn't like!

Why should any of us give a single fuck?

Ok, that's kinda bitchy there, pal. Listen, I joined this sub because I wanted to join a community based around cute little distorted-looking frogs being friends and all. Lately we've been having fucking topminds over there bitching about us because faggots like you just have to post shit like this.

If you can't fucking tolerate not having topminds all up in our asses, can't tolerate not posting this shit, and can't tolerate some internal and external criticism when you do post this shit, then take your sorry ass and get the fuck off the sub.

It wasn't directed at you, I'm saying none of us should care what topminds thinks. Their opinion is irrelevant. The only power they wield is what we allow them to wield.

It's just that if this content is gonna keep the barrage from topminds will continue to fuck up the rest of the content, I'd rather it didn't happen

It's gonna happen inevitably bruv, they won't stop til all fren related content is scrubbed from r*ddit

Hey my frens. I fail 3 time before get accepted. I m not a 3D motion Designer in a big company. You can do it. Focus on the fundamentals. Learn from Feng Zhu. Scott Robertson. And everything gonna be alright. I believe in you


thats the wrong flag fren, should be austria!!!


Art school is bad fren. If u wanna be autistic go find an artist on the street and make him teach you.

Ok fren! There are plenty of schools in Germany! Hopefully it's not Austria.

This is subtle.

There's plenty more art schools in Germany fren, hopefully opfren can find the perfect one for him

I think your paintings are good fren. Modern art is non frenly anyway.

I really hope you don't get into politics, fren


Weimar German flag makes me sad, fren. 😞

World domination?

I like Hitler, fren

You don't need a school for people to appreciate your art fren

art has many different mediums fren

that sounds like a good name fren!

You should write about your struggles in life. Maybe practice public speaking in a mirror for a bit and then try out your act on your frens at the local beer hall.

hugs, fren, since it is about frens, what about '''my snuggle''?