Frens I’m scared :”( A prejudiced nonfren is stalking my profile and replying the same thing on irrelevant comments in other subs

118  2019-05-19 by RonaldBump98


Report him for harassment fren. This is against the Reddit terms of service. Don't worry we're all here behind you fren!

Well that’s unfrenly.

Report this nolife scum and block him.

u/marfaxa lmao fucc off

u/marfaxa ok basementdweller

u/marfaxa is so unfrenly, what a meany bo beany

Decided to take a frenly peek at his profile, and for some reason he reposts frenworld posts on his own profile. Frens I’m so confused :”|

It's ok fren we get through this

Fren he is harassing me too!! He posted hateful stuff on a doggie subReddit

Oh no fren! I’m so sorry :( I reported him to the mods directly via message and they are now investigating. The more frens that do this, the more likely he’ll get bopped for being unfrenly

I will report him too fren.

I told him to leave us alone

Brigading, spam, harassment.

But we're the bad guys ...


Are you that fren? From r/frenworld? That frenly subreddit who treats everyone with the upmost love, respect and frenliness?

Yes hello

I'm that fren two.

awww, yes fren thats us

Dude/fren, block them. Do something. Hide your subreddits and what you do from them. They can’t respond if they can’t see your comments.

big yikes, imagine being him


I waiting for him to comment fren

I think most of those comments ended up getting removed my modfrens :)

Block ‘em

/u/marfaxa? Are you that faggot that follows people around and constantly replies unrelated shit to people's comments?

Yes he is. Very mean nonfren.

This is levels of pathetic I have not seen before. I'm feel embarrassed.

I had a dude following me for over six months commenting the same shit over and over again. Just every couple of days he would go through my history and reply to a handful of comments I had made since the last time he stalked me. That happened for over half a year.

This dude is pathetic but the other guy was psychotic. If I ever addressed him he'd bring up why he was so upset with me and would beg for an apology.

Holllyy, yea that's more psychotic then pathetic, although incredibly pathetic. tHeY aRE thE good guys though.

Just to be clear, it wasn't about any sort of sjw shit. It was much more benign than that.

Long story short, it was a video of a man in his 40s punching a twelve year old girl. He kept referring to her as a female and said that she got what she deserved, which I thought was creepy, so I said that it was creepy. That's what started the whole thing off.


These schizos borrowed that whole setup from Tumblr, where people actually give a shit. On reddit they generally just get told to fuck off.

Yes hello

awww, yes fren thats us