Frens why does reddit hate us

9  2019-05-19 by Samadonis

A lot of people seem to think that frenworld is a hate subreddit and when I tell them we are all frenly I get blue arrows and blocks((( Keep wholesome frens)



They are jealous they have no fren like us just stay positive fren nothing beats frenship

Thank you fren we will defeat hate with love)

because we use pepe as our mascot, they think we're alt right, which we aren't. we make fun of the alt right.

Well, jokes on them because apu apustaja is our mascot fren.

Maybe it has something to do with when some bad frens say we were on the wrong side of WW2 and they get lots of upvotes and supportive comments?

Be a good fren and downvote and report posts like those. They make other people think we agree with those sick ideas.

Fren, I ask myself this all the time. I joined recently, but they think that we are not sees and white supremicists and alt righters.