Nonfens Trying To Smear Us

5  2019-05-19 by SlavNotDead


Goodo jobo fren! Wish I could hug you.

What about u/Take-The-Honk-Pill ? Is he larping too? Get real. It's so easy to pump out low effort memes and seem innocuous but there are people that won't buy that bullshit. I feel bad for those that get caught up in this subreddit and r/honkler that don't know what it's about.

What about that fren? Is he unfrenly?

Oh, definitely. Promoting violence and hatred against other races or groups of people. He should be banned, right? Why isn't he

Those are serious claims, fren. Can you back them up? I would love to support you if you’d use sources instead of simple sayso.

I sourced it when I linked his account. Don't play coy

And now you are making assumptions too. Does not look frenly at all. Account is account. People aren’t going to look through pages of content just to see if what you claim is true. If you want to convince somebody - provide direct proof, if not - don’t go on your tirades in the first place. That is how discourse works.

This isn't highschool debate, I'm not going to spoon feed you because you think it's "proper". These people won't get an inch of plausible deniability from me, nor should anyone. This is an altright rhetoric board mixed with infantile memes, along with Honkler. Because the major hate subreddits were banned for being inflammatory garbage, spreading ideals of hatred so now it's "covert".

“Highschool debate”

Throws a temper tantrum.

Ok, fren, you are too tired of internet for today. Go drink some warm tea, listen to good music and have a pleasant nap. I am sure you will feel better in the morning.

Have fun acting like infants, "fren".

go away nonfren


im not promoting violence against anyone stop slandering me nonfren

Deceitful propagandist.

no im very frenly this nonfren is making up lies

go away nonfren

You guys seriously need to go outside.

Imagine actually talking like this in would look like a complete moron.

I don't think the looking like a moron part is limited to real life only tbf

Post history invalidates your opinion

Imagine playing battle royale games

Imagine being on reddit for 4 years and only having 5k karma

Imagine going onto a sub just to hate on people who are doing their own thing

I would be embarrassed to even talk online like this. It's kinda pathetic.

I tried to tell you guys but you wouldn't hear it.


Deceitful propagandist.