Don't forget to exercise, frens. A healthy body is a good foundation for a healthy mind.

1844  2019-05-19 by thecherry94


I agree, fren! We love tendies but healthy food is important as well!

Tendies have a lot of protein!

If you have non fried tendies they are healthy fren

I like non fried tendies fren

Tendies are neither frenly or non frenly, it depends on how you use them fren

Non frenly to the chicken :(

All good things in moderation frens

If you can't bring yourself to work out, ask around and hire a personal trainer three times a week, they're like $40 each depending on where you are, they get paid even if you're a flakey no-show, it's incredible how much they can motivate you, and get real and visible results in as little as 2 weeks.

Looking good, fren!

He's gonna do it! He finishes what he starts!



If anyone bases what a 50,000+ member sub is about based on the occasional comment the problem lies with them, not us.


This just in being healthy is now a symbol of white surpems

I'm a big leftie fren...anarchy fren almost...but exercise is apolitical and anyone who says otherwise is probably just trying to hide their insecurities. Keep pushing yourselves frens, but stay safe šŸ˜Š

There are a lot of right wing frens who aren't fans of the federal government or the one percent

But frens shouldn't let policy debates stop them from being frens

There's the people willing to help their frens with all they got and there's the people who only want to help themselves...thats the only division :)

This might be one of the better statements on political disagreements... if more people thought like you then more people would be frens!

The entire point of living in a democratic republic is that you can disagree with your neighbor without wanting to kill him

Deplatforming, refusing to debate, hate speech laws, riots attacking political rallies, these are the cultural forerunners of a unfree nation


I'm gonna drop out of character here, but I figure I can't have a reasonable conversation about this anywhere else. How exactly do you have a left wing, anarchist society?

The extreme Left, to me, means one of two things: either the State has control of the means of production, like in the Soviet Union, or workers have control of the means of production.

But anarchism, as a political philosophy, generally means there is no State, or the State is minimally interventionist. So that would mean it can not control the means of production, nor can it enforce laws that require workers to maintain the means of production.

So in a leftist anarchist state, let's say I grow food, on my private estate with my private property. What mechanism is in place to prevent me from buying (or trading for, or otherwise gaining control of) additional land and tools and then hiring people to work for me on my farm and hiring security to keep undesirables off my land? What prevents me from eventually becoming the de facto monarch of this society?

Is the assumption just that no one will do that, because that seems kind of naive to me.

Well when I think of anarchy (I'm a reasonable every day folksy guy I'm not on the antifa leader board or anything) it looks alot like mutualism. We all collectively own the land but we would vote on what we think the land should be used for...there's alot of problems with it but the beauty of being a utopian thinker is that nobody takes you seriously anyway :). Many anarchists believe that anarchism necessarily involves the abolition of class, though you would have to ask them individually how to go about that. Most revolutions start libertarian and creep into authoritarian. Going from frens to coppers :(

Also notice I said almost anarchist. I don't think there can be an anarchist revolution that ends in anything but a death filled tankie regime. I'm not naive and your skepticism of the far left is very good in my opinion :)

We all collectively own the land but we would vote on what we think the land should be used for...there's alot of problems with it but the beauty of being a utopian thinker is that nobody takes you seriously anyway

That's because it's hilariously retarded. Like, I can see why people think this would be a result of the proposed system, but only with the most cursory small think possible.

Power imbalances inevitably arise. People voting will eventually form factions to give themselves preferential treatment. Unless you want to shoot everyone who doesn't want to live under an authoritarian regime, of course... but that can hardly be described as "anarchy", right?

I think another issue is that personal property and the means of production are indistinguishable from one another. A stove, or fridge or even a knife are personal property in a home and the means of production in a restaurant. I can't imagine any anarchist society would outlaw all bartering, so inevitably, someone is going to get it in their head that they can get a lot more in trade by practicing their craft as a private citizen, and they can be even more productive by trading resources for labour, and BOOM you've just reinvented capitalism!

The closest thing to an anarchist society I can think of in the real world are the parts of Mexico or Colombia controlled by narcos--power vacuums need to be filled; that's just how people work.

Many anarchists believe that anarchism necessarily involves the abolition of class, though you would have to ask them individually how to go about that.

We have enough microcosms as examples that we can clearly tell this isn't true. Schools, for example, have popular kids and less popular kids; cool kids and nerds. Politicians determine class through power and connections rather than wealth--and these are in democracies, where every politician with the same title has the same legal power, to say nothing of Stateless or Anarchist societies, where only limited or local intervention is available.

The whole thing is just retarded. It's not even "good in theory"; it's deeply immoral to essentially force a particular lifestyle on everyone and to appropriate everything hard working people own and give it to lazy people.

Fren I'm not a commie and I'm not even an apologist for anarchy, I just like exercise.

Oh I hear you fren, I was just using you as a sounding board to express my frustration with tankie nonfrens pretending like socialism leads to anything except shooting innocent frens.

No thankies for tankies šŸ˜¤

Firstly, I'll say that I'm not an expert on this stuff, and that I'm just reading through this sub and I don't know what's accepted here. And I haven't read enough Lenin or Kropotkin to do a deep critique con anarchism vs communism. Also, I'll say that generally communism and anarchism really go hand, especially with people like Kropotkin.

So the first thing about what you said is that there is no private property under both anarchism and communism. Personal property is not abolished, so you keep your couch and stuff. But the means of production, like farmland, factories, and some other things like housing (housing is a big one) is collectively owned. The idea is that it's owned by everyone so no one person can use it to exploit others. So just buying more farmland doesn't really make any sense because there's no one to buy it from.

So how do you both maintain that state of collective ownership and make sure it's being used effeciently if there's no state? Just because there's no state doesn't mean there's no government. Local governments are still a thing, and most anarchist argue for some sort of direct democracy. And in anarcho-communism this takes the form of workers councils, so you might have a union of farmers that decides who works what farmland. There might be a local government that everyone votes in that decides who lives where. The important thing is that none of these groups are at the top, and none of them are powerful enough to exploit anyone outside that group.

And these groups would have the power to enforce their decisions, obviously. One of the few things that anarchists actually agree on is that police are bad, so they'd probably do it on a local level, sort of like a militia. It might look similar to a police force, but without wage labor because that's long gone, and they would actually work for the interest of the people they represent.

There's still a lot of issues, but again I'm not an expert. Hopefully this helps you to the point where you can do your own research and answers for yourself.

Private vs personal property is tough to explain fren, but I appreciate your good natured effort :)

I haven't read enough Lenin or Kropotkin to do a deep critique con anarchism vs communism.

That's fine fren, I'm not using anyone else's research or ideas, just my own common sense.

Also, I'll say that generally communism and anarchism really go hand

I still don't really see how. Just because you call an authoritarian regime "anarchism" (literally-"no state"), doesn't mean it isn't an authoritarian state. I'll demonstrate that shortly.

So the first thing about what you said is that there is no private property under both anarchism and communism. Personal property is not abolished, so you keep your couch and stuff.

Personal property is what I meant, but how do you distinguish personal property from the means of production? Most companies start using personal resources in a garage somewhere. Let's say Bill Gates and Paul Allen get together and write Windows in their garage. Is Windows still their personal property? Are armed men going to break into their house and expropriate it for "the good of the people"? Can they trade copies of Windows to other people for other goods and services? Can they invite someone else who is good with computers to do work on Windows in exchange for their own goods and services? Do you really want to live in a society that punishes innovation?

A simpler example, perhaps: I make leather goods like wallets in my basement and sell them for money. I have a part time employee, an apprentice, really, that helps me with my work.

Are my needles and thread the means of production or personal property? Will this envisioned society send armed men to my house to steal everything I make and forbid my employees from working for me? Are armed men going to prevent me from taking my product and ideas to somewhere where I can hire other people? Because that doesn't sound very "anarchist" to me. Otherwise, how would you prevent the most successful people from leaving? Why should I work at all if I'm going to have the same result as if I worked 12 hours a day?

Just because there's no state doesn't mean there's no government. Local governments are still a thing.

That's a State. In no way is that anarchism. Anarchist societies are also voluntary by nature.

And in anarcho-communism this takes the form of workers councils, so you might have a union of farmers that decides who works what farmland.

Okay, so you have an authoritarian institution that has absolute control over how farmland is used. This is hardly anarchy, which holds that such institutions are inherently harmful. Dividing the government up into individual departments is hardly the abolishment of the State.

And these groups would have the power to enforce their decisions, obviously. One of the few things that anarchists actually agree on is that police are bad, so they'd probably do it on a local level, sort of like a militia.

Lol, "the police are bad so we're gonna use an untrained, unprofessional army of locals to enforce the law instead". Worst anarchism ever.

It might look similar to a police force, but without wage labor because that's long gone, and they would actually work for the interest of the people they represent.

Wage labour was gone in the USSR too, and their "comrades" purged half the country and shot people whenever they "failed the people". If this "militia" has a monopoly on violence, they're going to enforce what they want when they want. Do you honestly think this society you think is a utopia won't end with working at the barrel of a gun?

Look, I'm sorry, but this is an extremely foolish political philosophy fren. It ignores the most basic tenets of human behavior and psychology--the fact that humans cooperate (you benefit, I benefit) readily, but they are not altruistic (you benefit, I suffer) by nature.

I don't expect you to know everything, but it falls apart under extremely light scrutiny. Reconsider.

The Wikipedia article is a better explanation of anarchism:

Iā€™m impressed with your weighted pull ups fren

Exercise is good fren, but donā€™t push yourself too hard!

I've spend six of the past twelve months out due to a shoulder / upper back injury.

Don't be dumb frens. The ONLY time some fren regrets going to the gym is when they come out injured.

This does NOT look cozy, fren.

Late night gym to yourself with headphones in is MAX cozy fren.

Gyms can sometimes be the coziest places fren


stay STRONK frens


Alt rights new obsession with staying fit ..Work out frens.

Obviously they are gonna hate strong frens,fren.

The core tenant of intersectional non-frenism is a resentment of success

If you can't succeed don't let others succeed is the tenet of non frenism..stay strong fren don't be like those clowns.

If only non-frenliness burnt calories...

Remember to take breaks, and get very hydration, Fren!

Cover of GQ in no time fren!!

Just joined a local gym. It was full af frenly looking young ladies. One frenly lady was wearing really tight yoga pants and I could see her vagina. I think I'm going to enjoy making lots of new frens there.


Eric Bugenhagen is the ultimate fren.

fren doing a humble flex on us skinny arm boys

I really want to frens, but I'm rly lazy and don't know where to start. Any frens got any tips on where to start?? I'd rly appreciate it frens!!

Cardio and 5x5! Which means run as far as you can on the treadmill, and then do 5 different bicep/triceps exercises for 5reps each! The more often a fren does it, the easier it becomes, then you go a size up in weight.

Thank you fren! I thought it would be really complicated which was putting me off but you explained it so well that it definitely seems possible. I'm gonna sign up to my local gym tomorrow, thanks again fren!

Thereā€™s hundred of YouTube videos you can find easily just search ā€œ5x5 workoutā€ ever since I started getting serious about it it is the best anti anxiety/depression medicine ever!

Starting strength 5x5, while basic, is a DEAD simple 5x5 app that keeps track of everything for you, is great to use with music, and is Uber effective for beginners.

Highly recommended.

Start anywhere fren. It about building the habit of health. Even going for a short 30 minutes walk, regularly, is a big step in the right direction.

Google home calisthenics workouts and find a simple routine you can do at home.

Do yoga, there are free videos on YouTube.

The point is, start small and simple and build the habit. Just start.

To your health, fren.

Thank you fren!! That's some great advice, I'll get started on it right away!

Going to play American basketball frens, wish me luck.

Weighted pull-ups you must be stronk

If only I could stop myself from eating Wendy's $5 biggie bags fren... They are so yummy! Maybe I can exercise and enjoy yum yums too!

You're still fat my fren.

Fren is just bulking for the gainz

Get your chin above the bar, fren.


Youā€™re the best around

Nothings going to ever keep you down

I went to exercise for the last two months without pause. This time I will actually do it my frens, my procrastination won't win!!!

tfw not strong enough to do weighted chin-ups

thx fren

I agree. I was listening to my German music and I could actually understand it when I was exercising, fren.

Every day you aren't training nonfrens are

Donā€™t forget to study either. Mens sana in corpore sano, fren

I need help doing pull ups, frens.

We need to Rise Above weakness.

Get the healthys from tendys at wendys.

I learned the other day that Iā€™ve finally lost enough weight to do a pull up, Iā€™ve never been able to do one before. Now Iā€™m doing as many as I can to get stronger. You and me together fren.

you're right, fren! us frens need to go back to the golden days of /fit/ and go full zyzz mode (okay, not full zyzz mode)

How much weight is that fren?

If only non-frenliness burnt calories...

Well when I think of anarchy (I'm a reasonable every day folksy guy I'm not on the antifa leader board or anything) it looks alot like mutualism. We all collectively own the land but we would vote on what we think the land should be used for...there's alot of problems with it but the beauty of being a utopian thinker is that nobody takes you seriously anyway :). Many anarchists believe that anarchism necessarily involves the abolition of class, though you would have to ask them individually how to go about that. Most revolutions start libertarian and creep into authoritarian. Going from frens to coppers :(

Firstly, I'll say that I'm not an expert on this stuff, and that I'm just reading through this sub and I don't know what's accepted here. And I haven't read enough Lenin or Kropotkin to do a deep critique con anarchism vs communism. Also, I'll say that generally communism and anarchism really go hand, especially with people like Kropotkin.

So the first thing about what you said is that there is no private property under both anarchism and communism. Personal property is not abolished, so you keep your couch and stuff. But the means of production, like farmland, factories, and some other things like housing (housing is a big one) is collectively owned. The idea is that it's owned by everyone so no one person can use it to exploit others. So just buying more farmland doesn't really make any sense because there's no one to buy it from.

So how do you both maintain that state of collective ownership and make sure it's being used effeciently if there's no state? Just because there's no state doesn't mean there's no government. Local governments are still a thing, and most anarchist argue for some sort of direct democracy. And in anarcho-communism this takes the form of workers councils, so you might have a union of farmers that decides who works what farmland. There might be a local government that everyone votes in that decides who lives where. The important thing is that none of these groups are at the top, and none of them are powerful enough to exploit anyone outside that group.

And these groups would have the power to enforce their decisions, obviously. One of the few things that anarchists actually agree on is that police are bad, so they'd probably do it on a local level, sort of like a militia. It might look similar to a police force, but without wage labor because that's long gone, and they would actually work for the interest of the people they represent.

There's still a lot of issues, but again I'm not an expert. Hopefully this helps you to the point where you can do your own research and answers for yourself.