Frens I need help. How to deal with depresso and anxieties along with the suicio thoughts in my head everyday? I am tired of this. I just want someone

37  2019-05-19 by bobgoogwin0987


I'm sorry to hear that fren :( Have you tried improving some habits? If you're watching the unfrenly free videos on those unfrenly sites, that's definitely one thing you should stop fren. And the unfrenly touch, it can really actually make things worse even though you think otherwise. Trying to eat healthier, and getting some exercise and fresh air can also really help you fren. Tendies are good but in moderation! Small steps can help! I'm sure you've heard all this advice before but you know sometimes it helps just to hear it again.

Also fren, I really believe there is a plan for you. Your life is not meaningless fren, there's a real bigger purpose for you, and I know it's hard to see it at times, with all the unfrenliness around and in your head and mind, but there can be really something great that comes out of it. Hey, even if you don't believe in that right now, it's way more fun and frenly to believe it! That's how I started, I realized that I just rather believe that, that life is more frenly that way, and then actually I started to realize that I actually really believed that, and the my life became way more frenly.

Of course there has been ups and downs but just knowing that really helps me out fren! But yeah especially with all these other unfrenly activities that many of us fall into, it makes it really hard to see straight and think clearly. I'm not sure if I would be able to be helpful at all, but if you would ever like to talk about anything anytime, don't hesitate to message me fren!

You have all your frens here wishing you the best :) You'll make it fren

Don’t worry fren! We’re hereby for you

Life is hard my fren, but it gets better. I recommend starting something new and getting into a routine with it, it keeps you distracted and helps you stick to it. Just gotta keep chugging until the good times come rolling around again <3

We luv u fren! It gets more manageable, I promise.

God put you here for a purpose and he wants to be your fren. Imagine that. Frenship with the one who created everything and a future promise of paradise in Frenworld eternal. Don't reject his gift :(

My mama says to clean my room when I'm sad, fren.

Realize your life isn’t a tragedy, it’s a comedy. Take the clown pill today


It gets better, trust me fren. I'm here for you among a huge crowd of happy frens!! Look to the skies and there you will find your answers!!!

Please seek help if this is serious. You can also call the suicide hotline, 18002738255.