help frns, fren saying non frenly things!

1  2019-05-19 by cluntstevens

my fren is saying "uwu" and "owo" and im getting cincerned he is a non fren. he says ill stop if I say the word but i wont, what do I do frens?


he is getting worse. send help fast.

This is not looking good fren! Try and advise your fren to stop watching chinese cartoons or other sorts of nonfrenly cartoons. Try and do some frenly activities with him. Go to the park, maybe play some sports, cook some tendies together. Take his mind off the unfrenly stuff. But fren, whatever you do, don't say those things! Don't fall for it fren. That's a express ticket to nonfren land :( Be strong fren!

thanks! i will take your advice and cook tendies with him and delete his crunchyroll account.

You're a good fren!

The only option is to bop him, sorry fren

fren please, I cannot lose him. I was told to have an iron will by alpha fren yet my resolve is tested by this degeneracy.

All degenerates must be purged, fren, but I shall leave the final solution up to you.

I cant end him, he is too strong, he got that tard strength.

you could get one of my medical fren to help you. I will sen him to u fren. I am a fighter FBI fren


he is driving his healer fren mobile

also if you need any help for fighting call me at r/fighterfrens