Hey frens! I just found out someone in my class has a crush on me, and I'm 100% sure I know who it is! And I have a crush on them too frens!

260  2019-05-19 by connor20705


Make baby frens with them!

But only after making the fren commitment :)

I somely swear that I am a fren

Frens for life, in sickness and health, frenly times and unfrenly times, till death do us unfren!

So frenly, I want to cry! 😭

Congratulations fren! I wish you the absolute best!

Very nice! You have a good time with new potential gf/bf

Go get ‘em fren! Make me proud!

My lord, is that, legal?

that's unusual, dont lose this chance fren, go for It!

Good for u fren

You can do it fren!

Cant say same thing fren :(

You might be able too fren! I'm that wierd kid at the school, I never thought this would happen in 15 years fren!

Good for you fren! Go forth for your Destiny!

What... Where... Why?

Congarats fren!