Good Old Days

657  2019-05-18 by FoxDieEeE


Make frenworld great again!

I propose a two step plan:

1) More Frens

2) Less Nonfrens.

That is all. Thank you.

I would vote for u fren

Thanks fren!

You have my vote fren

Thanks fren. It's complex but I think I think we can do it.

this is a winning platform fren

We can create a Nonfren free world together fren.

Based and frenpilled

Great idea fren

Hey! Hands at 10 and 2 fren!

Is that a 40 fren?

No beer and driving fren! Let the nondriving frens enjoy.

I hope that's just root beer fren!

Also wondering what the fren is doing on the side of the road.

He's eating yellow snow fren

I see that now! Thanks for pointing that out fren!!




Probably just answering the call of nature fren. I'm assuming the frenmobile is actually parked!

Can I bring a mixtape to play fren?

As long as it's got lots of Gowan!

We love our finnfrens!

Fren! Don’t eat that yellow snow!

Rear fren looks high off their ass fren

I had a 1980 Aspen with a Slant Six. Thanks for the memories Frens!

Nice car femren


Before all the nonfrens moved in

Thanks fren!