5  2019-05-18 by thegreathonkler

After seeing many empty comment sections on frenly posts in this sub I suspect we’re getting shadowbanned by the non-frens.

If you’re not shadowbanned, comment on this post.


Test Comment


oh no fren! i can't see you!

Are you sure?

yeah. sorry fren :(

How can you tell? I can see my profile when signed out

I can't see your comment???? that''s how you detect a shadowban fren.

But then how did you reply?

you can still reply but you can't see it

I think I might be shadowbanned but idk fren :(

I can see you fren!

Thank you fren im so glad :”)

Can you explain what shadowbanning is, fren? Many thanks

Shadowbanning is when you post a comment and you think it's posted but no one else can see your comment :( Sometimes frens get shadowbanned and then post for weeks even without realizing that they've been shadowbanned and wonder why no one ever upvotes or replies to them. The shadowbop is sad fren.

Comment count is two but I see no comments here fren

Now at 5 still can't see anything :/

I can't see anyone frens!

I’m ok

You’re not. I can see your reply in my inbox, but not on the thread.

This has also been happening to me. It's quite annoying!

I thought it was only happening to me. Perhaps this will bring attention to the overreach of the nonfrens.

I can see you fren


I see a bunch of comments are nonfrens shadowbanning people?




am i shadowbanned


thank kek

r/ShadowBan tells me I’m not but my comments seem to be shadowbanned in other subs

This is a test fren


I see you.

Thank you fren. I was worried!



Fren test Fren test

this is scary, they try force us to be not see. just keep sharing love frens and it will work out

Hey frens, i'm still frenly

This is a test for fren

I’m i shadowbooped frens?

oh no fren! i can't see you!