my fren wanted to hang out today but i think i have to cancel because im a mess right now and cant go out like this

269  2019-05-18 by hwngjin


Hope you feel better soon fren

If ur a mess, maybe going out and having fun with your fren is what you need to feel better! Your fren will understand if ur a mess and who cares what the nonfrens think.

I agree with fren below me, if you’re a mess go and soon you’ll be in a better mood!

what’s on your mind, fren? it would probably be good to get out of your house and do something fun :)

fren im scared that i will do something stupid that makes my fren not want to be with me anymore because i get nervous a lot when its just me and a person im not really close with :/

Hey Fren, you ever think maybe they are hanging out with you because you ARE doing silly things that make them feel good? Dont be afraid of who you are.

Don't act silly as the chimpanzees do though fren!

ive been in that position many times before, fren. it’s hard to not be nervous when you want someone to like you, but you need to remember it’s a two-way street. your fren is probably a little nervous too, but at the end of the day you both just want to have a fun time together! every potential close frenship has a beginning stage where things can be a little scary. just remember to be frenly and be yourself :) no need to overthink things! whatever happens, ill still be your fren!

If it helps, fren, I always feel just telling my fren how I feel makes them understand and it makes thins a lot easier. Jus be honest fren :)

Fren, they will be more upset if you flake on them. They agreed to hangout cuz they like you.

Hey fren, if you'll do something stupid and he will not wanna be frens anymore, then he was never your real fren.

Frens are people that are there for you no matter what, we are here for you fren.

Stay strong, I've been there.

I think you should meet your fren. If he is a real fren he won't care. Maybe your fren can help you!

ur frens love u jus the way u r, fren. :)

Peptalk fren.

It's ok fren! You'll get better. Play some vidya if it helps.

Get a nice warm shower Do something distracting you enjoy Chill for a bit and see how you feel And put on something nice that makes you feel confident. And if you feel like up to it Try to go out and enjoy yourself

Don’t feel unconfident in your own skin fren. Even if you do things that aren’t considered normal. Remember.

The people that matter don’t really mind And the people that mind don’t really matter 💖

never turn down a fren unless you really have to, i have many regrets doing this :(

You are strong fren, we love you three thousand

Work on urself, fren. is always worth it. hang out with your fren another day while youre better

Hey Fren, you ever think maybe they are hanging out with you because you ARE doing silly things that make them feel good? Dont be afraid of who you are.

ive been in that position many times before, fren. it’s hard to not be nervous when you want someone to like you, but you need to remember it’s a two-way street. your fren is probably a little nervous too, but at the end of the day you both just want to have a fun time together! every potential close frenship has a beginning stage where things can be a little scary. just remember to be frenly and be yourself :) no need to overthink things! whatever happens, ill still be your fren!

If it helps, fren, I always feel just telling my fren how I feel makes them understand and it makes thins a lot easier. Jus be honest fren :)

Fren, they will be more upset if you flake on them. They agreed to hangout cuz they like you.

Hey fren, if you'll do something stupid and he will not wanna be frens anymore, then he was never your real fren.

Frens are people that are there for you no matter what, we are here for you fren.

Stay strong, I've been there.