Frens, Today I graduate high school! Wish me luck frens!

3702  2019-05-18 by Comander_Cyris


Congratulations my frens !

Thank you fren!!

You deserve the best tendies my frens !

I’ll make sure to get the bestest tendies for din din tonight fren!!

Nice frens. Enjoy my frens


I’m new to this reddit posting frens, and it seems that I can’t see the comments on this post (I’m on my phone), but thank you frens for commenting on my first post ever!

I hope all you frens have a great day.

Stay frenly.

God bless you. Have a great day, fren!

Thank you fren. I will.

I’m on mobile too! sometimes when you click on the notifications when they pop up at the top of the screen, it makes it so you’re unable to see them at all. I think it’s a bug.

Yeah that’s what happed to me fren. I’ll try and find a fix to see all the good fren that comment.

It is buggy, and some people are shadowbanned so you get the notification but can't view their comment or username.


Congrats my gen Zyklon warrior.

Thank you fren. gen z newest frens

Congratulations Fren! Tendies and hydrations must be had!!

Congrats, chose wisely for the university. Someday you could be our president.

I’ll try and make you proud fren

We're already proud of you, fren! You just keep at it and never let the non-frens get keep you down.

Make sure you go to class fren. Even if you feel like you don’t need to.

Best wishes fren! Great job at finishing highschool, hopefully you'll keep spreading frenliness wherever life takes you :)

Thank you and I will try my good fren!

Congrats fren! I will be with you in fren spirit.

Thank you fren that means a lot.

Best of luck for a bright and happy future fren!!!

Good luck fren

Thank you fren

Good luck, fren!

That is a happy day, fren

Good luck fren. You’re gonna need it!

Make sure to boop all the nonfrens throughout your school years fren!


Congrats fren! Are you going to college?

I’m trying to fren. But not sure where yet.

Gongrats fren, I just finished first year of college let’s celebrate

Thanks fren, and congrats on your first year fren.

Good luck fren! And congratulations!

Congratulation fren!

Good job fren

Many good luck fren!

Good job, fren!! School is difficult, but you did it!

Thank you fren. It really was.

Good luck fren

I'm graduating today too fren!!! Congratulations!

Congrats fren!!!

CONGRATS FREN!!! Hope you have a great graduation too!!!

Good luck and Congratulations fren!

Happy grad fren! I kicked it off last night.

Congrats fren I remember when I graduated 4 years ago. Hope you have fun celebrating

Thank you fren. I’ll make sure to have fun!!

I'm graduating today too fren!! Good luck to you!

YOOO FRENNNN!! Congrats, have a fantastic graduation.

Good luck my fren, and choose a good uni, if you don't know what to do community College is always an option until you sort things out.

Thank you for all the good advice fren! I’ll make sure to take it to heart!

Good luck fren, hope you have lots of fun!

A bit of advice fren, start college asap. I took a break for a couple years and it's really hard to get back into it.

Also congrats.

I will make sure to fren thank you for the great advice.

I would say take your time when it comes to picking a school. You don’t wanna go somewhere out of a rushed decision! Take a gap year if you must

Hot take: University is full of leftist douches, instead vegetate in your parents basement to own the libs

That's not very frenly. Don't hate. Embrace frenship.

I graduate college today fren! Good luck on your journey

OMG congrats fren! Hope you have a great graduation too!!!


Congratulations fren! May your frenliness only continue to grow.

Great job fren! good luck in the future!

It's a special time. Cherish it. From now on, life starts moving pretty fast. Hug some frens. Let them know you care about them. You'll drift apart, but they will forever hold a special place in your heart.

Take care of your body. The healthier you are going into college, the easier it'll be to leave healthy.

Take advantage of opportunities. They become few and far between us you get older. There's plenty for you right now.

Make friends. And more important, be kind. People remember a kind, young person.

Thank you fren... this means more then you think... thank you.



Gud luck fren

Good job fren!! Go out there and make as many frens as you can!!!

congratulations fren!! i’m proud!!!

Congrats Fren!

Why the fuck do you all talk like this

Cause we’re all friend here


Nice job fren! Proud of you!

Good luck future Commander of the fren armies! o7

Good luck fren!

I also graduated this morning, fren.

Congrats fren!!!!

Congrats fren, just remember that this is just the beginning! Do your best fren.

Great Job fren

Hey fren me too!

Good luck!!!

Congrats, fren!

Good luck

me too fren, have a good day!

Congratulations frien! Best of wishes to you!

congrats fren!! 🎉🎉

You got this fren.

Thats awesome fren! I graduate in a few weeks too, so proud of you fren!!!

Hell ya fren!! 💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿 you are destined to do great things fren! 💁🏾‍♀️

Good luck fren! Be afraid of the freshman 15, but not afraid to get out there and make some frens! Happy graduation!

Kudos to you my fren :)

Happy day, fren!

Congratulations, fren!!! I am so proud of you!

Good job fren, I’m proud of you :)


Make us proud young fren.

Congrats fren! Are you attending college?

Congrats fren! Have a great time in college and a successful life ahead!

Well done fren, you did it, I knew you could

Hey fren. Same thing here!

Very proud of you fren!

Good luck fren


This is where the fun begins fren.

Welcome to the better act of your life. Don't let talk about how hard university work is scare you. The work will be tougher, but so will you be.


good job fren!! enjoy your day, you've worked hard for it!! best of luck in the future ❤️

We're so proud of you fren :)

Best of frens luck to you fren

Congrats fren! I graduate on the 24th!

Amazing job fren!

Good lok fern!

Good luck

we are smart frens

Congratulations to all our Frenly graduates! We're so proud of you all!

Thank you mod fren! I couldn’t have done it with out all you wonderful frens there to help me!

If you decide to pursue higher education they'll try to brainwash you with non fren propaganda so be alert. Don't let anyone tell you its not ok to be green!

Good job fren!! We're all very proud of you

good luck!

Congratulations fren! I'll be graduating in 2 weeks but I don't wanna say goodbye to my highschool frens yet. We have so much fun! :(

Thank you mod fren! I couldn’t have done it with out all you wonderful frens there to help me!