Thank you Alabama for saving our baby frens!

0  2019-05-18 by WhenISayNYouSayIgger


‘Bama has true frens! But it also has frens that look at their cousins in ways unbecoming to frens. Don’t look at cousins in nonfrenly ways, frens.

Yay! I can’t wait for deformed baby frens born in unbearable pain to be forced to be birthed and kept alive for however brief their lives are.

God doesn’t like abortion so babies must be made to endure unbelievable pain to satisfy the agenda of people who like to tell other frens what to do!

Bop the Nonfren!

Most likely mom let bob blow in her and instead of contraception she chooses to kill a little fren.

You sound like a nonfren. Why esle would you support killing frens?

I was so sad watching doctors murder crying baby frens in NYC. I'm glad Alabama has more common sense than most places.