I'm really happy to have found this sub. It's really helped me feel like everything isn't shit. I love all my new frens and hope non-frens can feel the feels I feel from coming across this group. Let bopping be a last resort. I really do love you all. Thank you!

158  2019-05-17 by MadBooda


Love you too fren :) Glad to have you here!

Fren you made cri take my biggest and most frenly updoot :)

:) you too fren!


A fren in need is a fren indeed.

We are all fren hir, no hat only frenship :)))))

i love u too fren :)


But now i got puneshet forcause my mom saw that you put the S word in ur post but its okay i forgive you fren :)

I love you both

Thanc for you forgivy me fren :)

FeelsOkayMan 👉 ❤️ fren

FeelsOkayMan 👉 ❤️ fren

FeelsOkayMan 👉 ❤️ fren

FeelsOkayMan 👉 ❤️ fren

FeelsOkayMan 👉 ❤️ frens

Thanks for sharing, fren! We love you too!

FeelsOkayMan 👉 ❤️ frens

We love you too fren :) on the day of the bop, I hope all non frens can be spared because in their hearts is the light of frenship just waiting to burst forward.