I'm getting promoted Fren! Have a beer!

78  2019-05-17 by GodEmperorPePethe2nd


A toast to you fren, thanks for the brewski. Congratulations!

thanks fren, its been just over a year in a completely new field. Its hard and i have a lot to learn, but it turns out that just trying and being frenly and helpful goes a long way with the right company

Being frenly always goes a long way! Best of luck to you fren

I wish I was like you fren, I'm almost being kicked out of my house

what going on fren? maybe i can help?

I'm a freelance writer and the guy I recently did some work for is refusing to pay me, so if you hear anyone looking for a writer fren I'm your guy
Here's my portfolio so you can see some of my work

But right now I just need $100 to pay my rent so that I have a roof over my head over the next few weeks

$100 in a few weeks? that should be easy. There is taskrabbit if you just want to make some quick cash for simple work. At minimum wage, thats only two days work. You could just get some cashier job and quit if you wanted too. Could sell stuff on ebay or craigs list.

I have till Monday to raise the cash, I've tried all the other options but none of them work for me, particularly as I don't live in the US that has a minimum wage. I wish I earned the minimum wage, I would be one of the highest paid guys in my country

where do you live fren?

I live in Kenya, corruption ruined this country

Can you believe that $100 is 10,000 here?

your English is very good, are you native to Kenya? Have you considered teaching?

Yeah im sure the 3rd world and be a harsh place. The west used to be not much different 1,000 years ago. It was the people who changed it.

I was born in South Africa and had the privilege of a good education. I have considered teaching but in this country everything depends on "who you know" and I wouldn't even be considered. The 3rd world is a cold, cruel place

Very good, fren! Remember to drink responsibly.

That’s seriously awesome fren, I’m genuinely happy for ya :) hope you can learn and grow and gain more frens at your work by the day!!

Me too fren! Congrats! I’ll dedicate my next Monster Zero to you!