In the event of a tendie shortage I’d be happy to open my oven for all sorts of substitutes. Pizzas, potpies, heck we could even cook the non-frens if we really had to!

20  2019-05-17 by MartyrSaint


Thank you very much chef fren! Your menu sounds great :)

Im running the math but something seems off, can your kitchen support 50.000 frens?

I can do anything if I believe in myself hard enough, fren.

Can it support the cooking of 6 million non-frens?

About 6 million nonfrens?




Naughty, fren go to the corner and think about what you have done.

wow chef fren everything on yuor menu sounds so good except the nonfrens.


you have to be careful whycause they all have a thin layer of caca on their skin which you can not eat even if you burn the dickens out of it.

How about a cup of subtle tea

I could put the kettle on, fren. I’ll have to visit the market and see if I can find some of this subtle tea, though.

Subtle tea is the key to a long lasting gathering of frens

Subtle tea is key to long lasting gatherings of frens

Subtle tea is key to long lasting fren activities

Subtle tea is the key To frenship's durability TMOR won't stop To try and bop Power must be kept low key

Subtle tea is the key To frenship's durability TMOR won't stop To try and bop Power must be kept low key

Subtle tea is what keeps frens together and out of the gulag

Be more subtle next time fren. no one likes obvious frens : )

I like all frens, fren. Even the new ones who’s first comment in the sub makes them look like a real non-fren.

Cooking non-frens doesn't soud too frenly but the rest of the menu sounds delicious.

It’s only a contingency, fren. I’m sure we have more than enough tendies for all our frens.

Cooking for the nonfrens? That's very frenly oh u.