I’ve got my cookbook out and I’m getting ready for the massive picnic! Every fren will get their fill of juicy, succulent, tendies!

190  2019-05-17 by The_Russian_Troll


Fren why does this look like Homer Simpson’s work station? hehe

It’s my tendie cooking station.

Cook them tendies fren. Make sure all the yummy tendies are cooked!

Fren are you sure you can do it? I've done some calculations and I don't think it's possible to cook so many tendies in such a short period of time.

We must commit to working day and night for as long as it takes. Every fren will be so happy when we’re done. The end result will be worth all the effort.

Anything for my frens!

Why would we devote so much tiem and frens to cooking tendies when we need frens to help us win our frenly game of football against the nonfrens? Oh, i know! We just like cooking tendies so much that we shouldnt care about winning or losing!

Cooking tendies is great but I also love grilling kebabs

Yummy! Yummy!

Just don't forget to remove the kebabs when they're done!

Old-school Skrillex just started playing in my head.

🎵 I want to cook every tendie in the world 🎵

That's a lot of tendies, fren, would you like some help? Many frens make light work.

Had tendies for lunch fren

That's a lot of tendies, fren, would you like some help? Many frens make light work.