TopMeans say we are all "fucking garbage." Well one fren's trash is another fren's treasure. You are all treasure.

2469  2019-05-17 by RedBloodedMeatEater


Thank you kindly fren

You're welcome kindly fren.

Well said,fren! I do smell like treasure

not treasure, a swimming pool. those huge brutes are great to fill up with water




I used to play in trash cans and cattle troughs filled with water when I was little. Them's some good memories, fren.

I used to play in trash cans and cattle troughs filled with water when I was little. Them's some good memories, fren.

I used to play in trash cans and cattle troughs filled with water when I was little. Them's some good memories, fren.

I used to play in trash cans and cattle troughs filled with water when I was little. Them's some good memories, fren.

I used to play in trash cans and cattle troughs filled with water when I was little. Them's some good memories, fren.

I used to play in trash cans and cattle troughs filled with water when I was little. Them's some good memories, fren.

I used to play in trash cans and cattle troughs filled with water when I was little. Them's some good memories, fren.

I used to play in trash cans and cattle troughs filled with water when I was little. Them's some good memories, fren.

I used to play in trash cans and cattle troughs filled with water when I was little. Them's some good memories, fren.

I used to play in trash cans and cattle troughs filled with water when I was little. Them's some good memories, fren.

Thank you fren!

Thanks for being awesome, Fren! We Frens have got to stick together!

Thanks for being awesome, Fren! We Frens have got to stick together!

oscar the grouch did fine for himself

Thx fren! I treasure all of my frens here. Nowhere else can I cook tendies and bop nonfrens like I can here!

That makes this Fren a very happy Fren.

If we are garbage and topminds are non-garbage maybe I'd just rather be garbage.


Speak for yourself

I am all garbage on this blessed day!

(I guess frens don't recognize your joke fren!)

I am all garbage on this blessed day.


sorry they didn’t get your joke fren

Couldn’t have said it better myself fren

I enjoy all my frens here ❤️

Very PMA Fren

I’d be jealous if I was a non-fren too!

'Cause I'm a low life, and I'm lovin' it I got the whole damn world in the palm of my hand I'm a low life, so fucking deal with it No you can't change something that you don't understand 🎶

Ur my treasure, fren!

Et tu Brute?

Why thank you fren :)

I don’t like it when they say my frens and me are effing garbage :(

edit - i am not alowed to say “fuck” so instead i said effing because my mom would bust me right in teh chops for saying fuck.

That's a good mommy

You people are super fucking weird.


Even if in the sentence before the person is arguing for a national socialist govt? Everyone knows what they meant, you idiots arent hiding anything

You sound so angry, you need some good frens.

We dont hide our love of Hulk Hogan, why would we be ashamed? HH!

You sound like a fascist toddler.

thank you fren!

Fren we are all treasure

don't call TopMinds "frens". They don't even fucking deserve it.

fren no swears allowed her

fren no swears allowed her

fren no swears allowed here

Which is why we call them "non-frens"

You are garbage, though.


"ttphphphphptttttt!!!" Hehe "tsppspsphhphphph!" That's of the sound my tounge makes when I stick it at you

Do it again!

Okay fren, "haaaah, aplephphphphebebebebshphpebeb!"

You're a non fren

That was just mean...


non fren detected

Even me Fren???

Even you, Fren :).

YEY Fren this is my happiest part of today


Yay for frens who are treasures!

Happy Cake Day, fren!

🎂 🍰🎂 🍰

Happy Cake Day, fren!

🎂 🍰🎂 🍰

Happy Cake Day to you
Happy Cake Day to you
Happy Cake Day, dear fren
Happy Cake Day to you!

Happy Cake Day to you
Happy Cake Day to you
Happy Cake Day, dear fren
Happy Cake Day to you!

Happy Cake Day to you
Happy Cake Day to you
Happy Cake Day, dear fren
Happy Cake Day to you!


Happy Cake Day to you
Happy Cake Day to you
Happy Cake Day, dear fren
Happy Cake Day to you!

Happy Cake Day to you
Happy Cake Day to you
Happy Cake Day, dear fren
Happy Cake Day to you!

Happy Cake Day to you
Happy Cake Day to you
Happy Cake Day, dear fren
Happy Cake Day to you!

Happy Cake Day to you
Happy Cake Day to you
Happy Cake Day, dear fren
Happy Cake Day to you!

Happy cake day fren!

Happy Cake Day to you
Happy Cake Day to you
Happy Cake Day, dear fren
Happy Cake Day to you!

The cake is a lie.

It isn't though, take some, fren 🍰

Thank you so much fren!!!

Thank you fren

Aww thank you, fren!

Aww thank you, fren!

The only F word I want to see in here is 'Fren!'

I appreciate every single one of my frens

♪ 'Cause I've got frens in low places,
Where the whiskey drowns
And the beer chases my blues away!
And I'll be okay!
I'm not big on so-cial graces,
Think I'll slip on down to the OOOOOASIS
Oh, I've got frens, in LOOOOOW PLAAAAACESSSS ♫

♪ 'Cause I've got frens in low places,
Where the whiskey drowns
And the beer chases my blues away!
And I'll be okay!
I'm not big on so-cial graces,
Think I'll slip on down to the OOOOOASIS
Oh, I've got frens, in LOOOOOW PLAAAAACESSSS ♫

♪ 'Cause I've got frens in low places,
Where the whiskey drowns
And the beer chases my blues away!
And I'll be okay!
I'm not big on so-cial graces,
Think I'll slip on down to the OOOOOASIS
Oh, I've got frens, in LOOOOOW PLAAAAACESSSS ♫

♪ 'Cause I've got frens in low places,
Where the whiskey drowns
And the beer chases my blues away!
And I'll be okay!
I'm not big on so-cial graces,
Think I'll slip on down to the OOOOOASIS
Oh, I've got frens, in LOOOOOW PLAAAAACESSSS ♫

Thankyou fren, there has never been a more frenly sub in history.

Thankyou fren, there has never been a more frenly sub in history.

Thankyou fren, there has never been a more frenly sub in history.

Fren you're my treasure I'll give you allllllll the tendies

nice fren

nice fren

Why are people calling this a Nazi sub? This shit's wholesome as fuck.

You know how to make a fren feel special c:

You know how to make a fren feel special

You know how to make a fren feel special

You know how to make a fren feel special, ty fren

♪ 'Cause I've got frens in low places,
Where the whiskey drowns
And the beer chases my blues away!
And I'll be okay!
I'm not big on so-cial graces,
Think I'll slip on down to the OOOOOASIS
Oh, I've got frens, in LOOOOOW PLAAAAACESSSS ♫

Why do topretards continue to be so unfenly! What did we do to them frens :( make me so sad

“Looking through all the top post and respective comment sections, I gotta say baby talking genocide and violence against minorities is such a bad bit, but I can't feel anything but pity for them because it looks like the sub is made strictly for people with disabilities. Maybe that's their long game.”

♪ 'Cause I've got frens in low places,
Where the whiskey drowns
And the beer chases my blues away!
And I'll be okay!
I'm not big on so-cial graces,
Think I'll slip on down to the OOOOOASIS
Oh, I've got frens, in LOOOOOW PLAAAAACESSSS ♫

Looking through all the top post and respective comment sections, I gotta say baby talking genocide and violence against minorities is such a bad bit, but I can't feel anything but pity for them because it looks like the sub is made strictly for people with disabilities. Maybe that's their long game.


♪ 'Cause I've got frens in low places,
Where the whiskey drowns
And the beer chases my blues away!
And I'll be okay!
I'm not big on so-cial graces,
Think I'll slip on down to the OOOOOASIS
Oh, I've got frens, in LOOOOOW PLAAAAACESSSS ♫

♪ 'Cause I've got frens in low places,
Where the whiskey drowns
And the beer chases my blues away!
And I'll be okay!
I'm not big on so-cial graces,
Think I'll slip on down to the OOOOOASIS
Oh, I've got frens, in LOOOOOW PLAAAAACESSSS ♫

♪ 'Cause I've got frens in low places, Where the whiskey drowns And the beer chases my blues away! And I'll be okay! I'm not big on so-cial graces, Think I'll slip on down to the OOOOOASIS Oh, I've got frens, in LOOOOOW PLAAAAACESSSS ♫

Bop them all!

Bop them all!


The real treasure is the frens we make.

I treasure all my frens.

Don't let the TopMeans scare you frens, they just haven't taken the frenpill yet, they'll come around soon enough!


Gradually, I came to hate them.

♪ 'Cause I've got frens in low places,

Where the whiskey drowns

And the beer chases my blues away!

And I'll be okay!

I'm not big on so-cial graces,

Think I'll slip on down to the OOOOOASIS

Oh, I've got frens, in LOOOOOW PLAAAAACESSSS ♫

Thank you my Fren, you are my treasure too!

They ridiculed the trash man until he won the 5 man wrestling match to entertain our troops

It's Garbage day frens

i luv you


I love you both

💎💎💎💰💸💵💶 treasure fren

Turning negative nonfrenlyness into positive frenlyness!

Thank you fren, we shall remain blessed frens forever, despite their hatred of our happiness.

I love u, frens

I love you both

When I was a very young fren, my aunt's family just got brand new garbage cans. The ones with the wheels on the bottom. Sparkling clean! My cousin thought it would be fun for me to hop inside and push me around. Boy was it! We did little jumps off the curb up and down the driveway. One of my fondest tadpole memories I spent in a trash can!



Laser eyes




I used to play in trash cans and cattle troughs filled with water when I was little. Them's some good memories, fren.

I used to play in trash cans and cattle troughs filled with water when I was little. Them's some good memories, fren.

I used to play in trash cans and cattle troughs filled with water when I was little. Them's some good memories, fren.

I used to play in trash cans and cattle troughs filled with water when I was little. Them's some good memories, fren.

I used to play in trash cans and cattle troughs filled with water when I was little. Them's some good memories, fren.

I used to play in trash cans and cattle troughs filled with water when I was little. Them's some good memories, fren.

I used to play in trash cans and cattle troughs filled with water when I was little. Them's some good memories, fren.

I used to play in trash cans and cattle troughs filled with water when I was little. Them's some good memories, fren.

I used to play in trash cans and cattle troughs filled with water when I was little. Them's some good memories, fren.

I used to play in trash cans and cattle troughs filled with water when I was little. Them's some good memories, fren.

Speak for yourself

I love you both