I have lump on my abdomen frens. I go to doctor soon. Pray for me frens :(

188  2019-05-17 by TotallyNotaT_Duser


Get better fren :(

Thank you. I will fren 🙂

Went to urgent Care and they took x-rays of my abdomen and came back with nothing with mass showing. So that is wonderful news. However they said I should still get a CT scan. So I'm going in a few days. They said it may be a hernia, but I don't remember hurting myself except when I blew my nose really really hard a few days ago, but I don't know. :/

omg fren, I hope you're gonna be alright! I'll keep you in my prayers!

Thank you fren I very much appreciate it

Does it hurt when you cough fren? If not it's prob not hernia .. which is good. Hernia are non frenly

No it doesn't hurt when I cough. What do you think it can be then fren? I thought hernia would be best case scenario:(((((

Not a doctor fren, it's just that when I thought I might have had one the doctor ruled it out because it didn't hurt more when I coughed. Could be some sort of benign growth? Hernia requires surgery to repair

Here you go fren, I googled for you. There's heaps of possibilities that aren't bad. Will be fine https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/322244.php

Hernias typically require surgery.

Where is it in your abdomen? Soft or firm? Does it float around freely or is it affixed to other tissues? Pain, gas, bleeding, vomiting?

Most common growths are lipomas, which is a bigger nothing burger than a chapo calling you a not-see

It’s always best to find out what’s wrong early, fren. I found out I had to have part of my head bones taken away because I had a really bad cold. Life is much better now. My brain can breathe and because of that it makes me work better.

It’s always best to find out what’s wrong early, fren. I found out I had to have part of my head bones taken away because I had a really bad cold. Life is much better now. My brain can breathe and because of that it makes me work better.

Prob nothing fren. I'm 37 and I've had a sore nickle sized lump on my gut since i was 16. It's just a small fatty cyst between connective tissue. Incredibly common.

Hey man, no bullshit keep is posted.


Get, Better Fren, and remember be frenly out there.

Will do fren thanks so much for the kind words

You’re evolving, fren!

Don worry fren. It’s probably not as bad as it seems. I remember when I found a bump underneath my chin. I got worried an went to the doctor. But he told me that it was just a lymph node that was swollen because I was fighting off a cold. You are probably fine. And even if it is really bad. I bet you caught it before it could do any harm.

I hope you're okay fren

It's actually just a third testicle fren

i think it might be your pp fren but i am not a doctor so i hope you are ok

Best wishes for a good outcome fren.

Best wishes for a good outcome fren.

Best wishes for a good outcome fren.

Will be praying fren

Fren at my school had a lump in his abby. Turned out to be a benign tumor

Prob nothing fren. I'm 37 and I've had a sore nickle sized lump on my gut since i was 16. It's just a small fatty cyst between connective tissue. Incredibly common.

Prob nothing fren. I'm 37 and I've had a sore nickle sized lump on my gut since i was 16. It's just a small fatty cyst between connective tissue. Incredibly common.

Prob nothing fren. I'm 37 and I've had a sore nickle sized lump on my gut since i was 16. It's just a small fatty cyst between connective tissue. Incredibly common.

Prob nothing fren. I'm 37 and I've had a sore nickle sized lump on my gut since i was 16. It's just a small fatty cyst between connective tissue. Incredibly common

Prob nothing fren. I'm 37 and I've had a sore nickle sized lump on my gut since i was 16. It's just a small fatty cyst between connective tissue. Incredibly common.


have the doctor bop the nonfren

Thank you fren I very much appreciate it

Will do fren thanks so much for the kind words