Sorry fren, my mom had other plans

167  2019-05-17 by Come4ndtakeit








i don’t even care that much about the issue and this makes me sad

I don't care about this issue but the nonfrens do, and I just want them to get bopped on it.

Same we kill so many animal frens and nonfrens of Israel.whats the difference between a couple babies?


20,000,000,000 animals have been killed in the US this year alone.we killed millions in the Mideast because of Israel and oil.our clothes are made by basically indentured servants.

What’s the difference between a few thousand abortions?

vegans bad

I still eat meat.the sacrifice is worth my tendies.

Almost 70% of abortions are brown frens. The rest are lib frens. Just sayin...maybe not girlfren?


Your name seems ironic, fren.


People who have abortions are nonfrens. Frens love and cherish the next generation of frens.

Sure. The next generation of frens. But only nonfrens are pro choice.

I disagree fren.

fren as long as it’s not rape or incest I agree.

Remember also that non frens put social pressure on frens to not be young mothers

Whats wrong with telling your daughter to have a career

BOP! Pressuring anyone into abortion is wrong, for career reasons or anything.

Not if they're victims of rape. Especially underage children who are impregnated from rape and would likely die if forced to carry out the pregnancy by people like you

Bop yourself

Ur being very aggressive, fren. I only said pressuring anyone into abortion is bad. What’s your beef with me?

You hold terrible life values and i hope to change them.

3rd time: I’ve only said that nonfrens use social pressure to have young girlfrens choose career in stead of family. Why you having such a meltdown?

"BOP! Pressuring anyone into abortion is wrong, for career reasons or anything."

Did you forget what you wrote 20 minutes ago

Fren, you must be illiterate.

Well thanks to societal pressures from people like you, people who are actual rape victims are pressure to carry the pregnancy out to term instead of safely terminating the pregnancy

You disgusting person

Telling me off with this aggressive meltdown, okidok

Downvoting my comments is a lot cooler though isn't it.

Doesn't change the fact you're a disgusting person who would strip someones rights away from them to "preserve" a life that you honestly don't give a fuck about once its born

I like frens alive, fren. Clearly you don’t. Control your anger. You seem unstable. Not very frenly.

I like frens who are ACTUALLY alive and not a clump of cells.

Have you read any other comment here? Does it seem like there’s a single one here agreeing with you?

That just means theres more people i have to talk to

Like you “talked to” me. They’ll prolly love it just as much as I did.

Its hard being told you're a piece of shit isn't it.

Oh, my God. My initial reaction is laughter, but it’s really just sad. You imagine that any of your angry, o so angry white knighting gets to me. Seriously, get some help. You don’t mean shit to anyone for having melt downs and clowning like this. Get a grip.

Its not a melt down to stand up for underage rape victims. You just perceive it that way because you're incapable of logical thinking

What percentage of abortions do you think underage rape victims comprise?


You're a piece of shit.

Thanks. You're a piece of shit.

That wasn't frenly at all.

non frens are just clumps of cell, i bop them with .308 cal anti-non fren bop rounds

How can you become pregnant by accident fren? Shouldn't you be aware of the possible consequences of unprotected frenliness?

Protection doesn't work 100% of the time.

I know it doesn't work 100% but you have to learn that your actions have consequences. If you think sleeping around is worth the risk of a pregnancy it's your own fault if you get pregnant. If you don't want the risk of an unwanted pregnancy just don't sleep around. Simple as that. Just don't kill your babyfren because mommy wanted to ride 5 dicks a weekend.

This is 2019. We're humans. Having babies isn't necessary anymore. The world is overpopulated, and the amount of babies in adoption is already too great to handle.

Also women who sleep around are perfectly allowed to do so. Its their choice. I don't understand how when women do something by their choice its an issue, but when you force a woman to do something theres no issue. Whys that?

This is "current year"

Lol kys

We're humans. Having babies isn't necessary anymore. The world is overpopulated

America and the west in general isn't the problem. The problem is Africa, India and other 3rd world countries. But people like you like to "donate" money there to help their children not to die because of bad parenting. If overpopulation is really the problem stop sending money to 3rd world countries and let nature do it's job.

the amount of babies in adoption is already too great to handle.

Still better to live than being murdered. And as long as they are getting help by the state I don't see a problem

I don't understand how when women do something by their choice its an issue,

It's their choice to be sluts and I'm fine with that as long as they have to live with the consequences.

but when you force a woman to do something theres no issue.

I don't force them to do something I force them NOT to do something. Same as I'm forced by the government not to go out and shoot faggots like you.

Wow you went aggressive didn't ya. Not so frenly after all aye.


Good bopping, fren! He was very unfrenly

All your points are opinion based.

So are yours.

You think its better for a kid to suffer in poverty and die than to never be born and saved a painful death?

So killing retards would be okay in your perspective, because you would save them from a live of suffering and give them a quick painless death. Great to see someone here in favor of eugenics as well.

Thats some backwards logic.

Someone opposing my opinion? Well that's just backwards thinking sweetie:)

Why are you angry fren, I have no statistics on hand. I would assume abortions from rape of under aged frens is a very small percentage. What if a fren lady wants to abort a lil fren that was formed from consensual sex and is no threat to her life. Is that okay? Personally I don’t believe so but you can have your opinions on baby murder.

Why are you angry fren, I have no statistics on hand. I would assume abortions from rape of under aged frens is a very small percentage. What if a fren lady wants to abort a lil fren that was formed from consensual sex and is no threat to her life. Is that okay? Personally I don’t believe so but you can have your opinions on baby murder.

Why are you angry fren, I have no statistics on hand. I would assume abortions from rape of under aged frens is a very small percentage. What if a fren lady wants to abort a lil fren that was formed from consensual sex and is no threat to her life. Is that okay? Personally I don’t believe so but you can have your opinions on baby murder.

Why are you angry fren, I have no statistics on hand. I would assume abortions from rape of under aged frens is a very small percentage. What if a fren lady wants to abort a lil fren that was formed from consensual sex and is no threat to her life. Is that okay? Personally I don’t believe so but you can have your opinions on baby murder.

This is an intentionally emotionally charged question designed to prove either 1) that pro-lifers are insensitive "fetus lovers," 2) or ethically inconsistent, allowing abortion for some circumstances but not others. 

But in fact, the welfare of the mother and child are never at odds, even in sexual assault cases. Both the mother and child are helped by preserving life, not by perpetuating violence. 

The reason most people reach the wrong conclusion about abortion in cases of rape and incest is that the actual experiences of sexual assault victims who became pregnant are routinely left out of the debate. Most people, including sexual assault victims who have never been pregnant, are forming opinions based on prejudices and fears which are disconnected from reality. 

It's assumed that rape victims who become pregnant would naturally want abortions. But in the only major study of pregnant rape victims ever done, Dr. Sandra Mahkorn found that 75 to 85 percent chose against abortion.

Abortion is not some magical surgery which turns back time to make a woman "un-pregnant." Its a real life event which is very stressful and often traumatic. Once we accept that abortion is itself an event with ramifications on a woman's life, then we must carefully look at the circumstances of the pregnant rape victim. Will an abortion truly console her, or will it only cause further injury to her already bruised psyche? 

That's such an intentionally deceiving, emotionally charged question that relates to a miniscule amount of cases. All your question does is try to prove either:

1) that pro-lifers are insensitive "fetus lovers,"

2) or ethically inconsistent, allowing abortion for
some circumstances but not others. 

In fact, the welfare of the mother and child are almost never at odds, even in sexual assault cases. Both the mother and child are helped by preserving life, not by perpetuating violence.

You're also assuming that rape victims who become pregnant would naturally want abortions. There's only been one major study of pregnant rape victims ever done and in that study Dr. Sandra Mahkorn found that 75 to 85 percent chose against abortion.

Mahkorn, "Pregnancy and Sexual Assault," The Psychological Aspects of Abortion, eds. Mall & Watts, (Washington, D.C., University Publications of America, 1979) 55-69. 

Thats a 1979 study. Thats from nearly 50 years ago. Its completely irrelevant to the scope of women today.

I can almost guarantee every victim of rape will not want to keep a rape baby. The only reason they wouldn't would most likely be fear of what the rapist would do if he walked free.

You're an anti white, fren. Just accept it and move along, child fren.


White Christians make up a tiny percent of abortions, fren. Jigs & JAPs keep those clinics full.

Fren, I know, but no matter how few, we have no frens to lose. And these numbers might go for US, but I know there’s a lot of conservative people who haven’t been frenpilled on aboption, and especially bright young women are liable to make such excuses for themselves.

Brown girlfrens are cute

You’re in the wrong sub, fren

Ok guess I'll dump my gorlfren then :(

No. You should def post about your brownfren. See how it goes over here.

Whew, you're a bit of a crazy person aren't you

Ha. You sure? Go ahead and post about your interracial relationship here, fren. Do you think you’ll be banned or just downvoted to hell?

Neither, lmao. They already know, I told them when we were still a 5k sub or something and the right wing tone was more pronounced

Sure you did. Meanwhile the mods are off in other subs posting made up stats about minorities having low IQs and being inherently criminal

They're not minorities, you're the minority fucking whiteboi. And some non euros are retarded, some are less retarded than euros. Just because you live in a (literally) black and white anglo saxon dystopia doesn't mean the rest of us share your understanding of how race and ethnicity works

I’m not the one saying it, dude. The mods here are. Looks at their activity off the sub. You’re in a white supremacy sub, saying you date someone who isn’t white, and apparently unaware they support an ethno state where races don’t mingle.

The main mod even runs another quarantined sub called r/whitebeauty

Can’t see what’s wrong with that

What's the issue there?

Hey fren which made up stats are you referring to fren?

This is one of the most insane subreddits what do you expect

Why does it matter that they're brown frens? Are you saying they're not frens?

:(. sad to see. youll be in our hearts fren.

Broke: pro-choice

Woke: pro-life

Bespoke: is it a fren?

Now I'm sad, frens.

we're all sad fren

we're all sad fren

When the day comes, Remember What NonFrends Took From Us.

u/come4ndtakeit you look kinda sad, what’s going on big fren?

What's going on Dr. frenberg? You just tripped my fetus! I watched you do it.

Are we really gonna go through the rigamarole

Everyone remember that through all, frens are frens, regardless of political affiliation or other. What makes a fren is not who we vote for or agenda we push, it is how we support each and every other fren every day

What is a frenpill?

What is a frenpill?

What is a frenpill?

It’s okay fren. Sometimes people really just aren’t ready nor have the funds to give a new fren a good frenly life they deserve (: that is why all fem frens should be allowed to choose whether to have their new fren or not.

Jokes aside, abortion is murder.

It’s not though. Downvote me all you want fren.

it isnt murder because what? it's a potential life, just cuz it can't survive outside the womb doesn't make him any less worthwhile than someone in a coma

Yeah, I’m that case, smothering a newborn baby with a pillow isn’t murder, but killing the baby before it was born is?

What the fuck are you even talking about? All you people advocating to get abortion banned should have to adopt a child if you care so much about random ass fetuses that have no senses. But we all know a GOOD chunk of you will absolutely not.

No one is saying a child isn’t worth while. The problem lies with people like yourself trying to make decisions for other people when their decision has no impact on your life whatsoever. If a teen gets pregnant at the age of 15 you’re telling me that they cant have the choice to abort it? If they chose to keep it then great, keep it. If not then that means that individual has to fund a child at the age of 15 or put that burden on their parents or whoever. Some people get pregnant and they realize that they aren’t ready for one! Who are you to tell someone they have to keep something and carry it inside their body nine months because they took part in sex? Having sex is natural, we don’t only have to have sex to reproduce. It’s absurd to me that people think its murder when the fetus can not possibly live outside the womb! I also feel like a lot of people against abortion are religious and are putting their religious views into this, and that’s a big problem. What ever happened to church and state being separate?? The people that passed the law in Alabama said “That’s up to God and the Lord to make a judgment that’s not up to us” not only did they say God and the lord like they’re two separated entities, it clearly shows that they are being persuaded by their religious beliefs and that’s not ok. So like i said before. Its not your choice. Its not your body. And you don’t truly care about some womans child you have never met!

The problem lies with people like yourself trying to make decisions for other people when their decision has no impact on your life whatsoever.

the same is true if i go out and murder some random dude on the street is it not your job to stop me? it's still killing lol

Im done arguing with you people. It’s not worth my time, and I said what I said. You’re really reaching with that one pal.

if your argument applies equally to murder it is not a good argument.

It’s absurd to me that people think its murder when the fetus can not possibly live outside the womb!

someone who's critically injured can't live without hospital care either, yet denying them that is both immoral and illegal. your arguments are shit, you need to justify why killing a baby inside a mom isn't murder. if a teen pregnant at 15 has an 8 mo old fetus inside her surely it's clear an aobrtion isn't moral as it's murder?

I said I’m done arguing, downvote me all you want man. I could care less. Have your fren brigade go crazy.

you seem to put convenience and like a year of struggle over ending an already developing live, alright lol

If society goes to shit impacts me. That argument is just retarded and I hate it. Sorry fren

You guys don’t seem to understand the statement “I’m done arguing”, huh? I said what I said. Your argument is retarded, because society hasn’t gone to shit. Quit using hypotheticals to justify your ignorance.

At this point i don't care about the moral implications, if it's murder then it's necessary murder. I've always thought that abortion was murder and that's why i was against it, but then i asked myself what i would do if my wife was having a bay with congenital malformations that we're detected pre-natally and the answer to that was "abort it first thing in the morning" so i can't be against abortion anymore. It's a useful tool for societies, unwanted kids throughout history had worse fates than being aborted when they were just a clump of cells. it's the most humane method we currently have.

Yeah, I'm kind of pro-choice too just for the sake of not wanting my wife or friends to die due to abortions being illegal and them having a fucked up pregnancy. I'm however not in favor of abortions being as easily accessible as condoms or other contraceptives, since there's a lot of downsides to it that aren't worth it most of the times. There seems to be a group mentality where you're either in favor of free abortions for literally everyone in every circumstance or you're against them and want women to become breeders. There's also the moral arguments, which I don't really care much about those since they're often based on assumptions and guilt tripping rather than facts.

I don’t even care if they’re easily accessible, if we start regulating it then it’s only a matter of time before it becomes completely illegal and that would be very inconvenient for me, if i choose to abort a baby because it has congenital malformations that would make my life hell, why would i deny other people the chance to save themselves from unwanted 18 years of responsibilty? Hell, some rapists don’t get 18 years of punishment. Its so cruel and unnecessary, As for abortion being unfair to the baby, well, i don’t exactly remember anything before i was conceived and before i was born so i don’t think the fetus can feel anything, the fetus doesn’t have a functioning nervous system to feel basic nervous stimuli.

"i would murder someone so abortion is fine" dude what the actual fuck? my friend with down syndrone has a hard but great life, and he deserves to be able to overcome that.

Your friend with down syndrome doesn't have to needlessly suffer, at least people with down syndrome die relatively early due to heart problems, but low-functioning autists for instance can live loong long lives of suffering, why give them that? kill them when they won't feel it and move on, disposing of undesirable kids has been a thing for as long as humanity existed, but today it is much more humane than at any other point in history thanks to modern medicine.

if they survive then so be it. I had a shitty childhood but the struggle strengthened me, if a downie can live a long life of suffering and wants to then i say let them.

isn’t this kinda political fren?

they allow right wing political content

Jokes aside it must be ok to be able to limit the control female friends have over their own bodies while a man can get a vasectomy anytime which I’m surprised you all aren’t calling murder because it’s the same type of cell.

Human life starts at gestation, fren

A woman can get her tubes tied or get an iud anytime

Life starts at conception, fren. We can still be frens, tho <3

A fren should be able to stop being a nonfather anytime a female fren can. Otherwise the law is unfrenly.

would have liked to have a lot of kids with you...

What does this actually mean?

Would have produced multiple offspring.

with his sister? this is why I'm confused

Ah, I see now.

This is so sad. Fetus frens deserve love just like anyone else, even if their mom frens were total sluts who got raped by their uncle frens. If you don't want a fetus fren, don't get raped!

Glad we can agree that it's sad fren. But what you're telling me seems like a very specific kind of case. Do you want to get something of your chest fren? Did your uncle tuch you in your nono areas? Seems like a lot of gay frens were touched by older nonfrens when they were younger. And to be honest, you seem kinda gay to me. I always have an open heart and two open ears for all my frens:)

you’re absolutely fucked in the head

i'm having actual trouble understanding what he's saying here

Sorry fren, but I 100% support the Alabama law. Fetus frens are frens too!

y’all will care about a fetus so much until it’s out of the mother. then you don’t give a flying fuck

This is actually fucked. MODS PLS BOP

If you think the Alabama law that PROTECTS BABIES is fucked, then you can BTFO and go back to clown world

topmind alts out pls

No sir. You are the clown here. We need to protect our living femfrens rights they have been struggling for, for years now. BOP.

this is a topmind alt for sure lol no fucking way

Those aren't real words, cuck BTFO


Every time you bust a nut you’re killing countless girlfrens for other frens Oh wait...that sounds kinda dumb. Maybe topminds was right...

almost like it's a good thing to have children and raise them hmmmmmmm

no cant be that better stay single and jerk off every night;utm_medium=ios_app Frens, they’re taking the joke seriously and think this is our actual point of view. I am sad fren :(

the point is that aborted people could have still been people with good lives, not that one would literally have a gf if there weren't abortions

Yes I too understand that view which is why I’m sad fren :(

Yeah... not coming off across that way. If people don't understand your message, then it's your delivery which has a problem, not the people.

i mean the aborted brother or sister meme doesnt, its just that this is the one people find funny and so post on drama



a sad day when chapocels take over r/drama :(

Yep it's totally the communists that realize what incels populate this sub

only incels would be against indiscriminate murder

Ehh, it's not the abortion part, it's the part where you blame abortions for not having a girlfriend. There's plenty of frogs in the pond, fren.

it's the part where you blame abortions for not having a girlfriend.

i have a gf, but the point is that aborted people should have been people and had lives and one is shown so lol not that itd be yours specifically

I wasn't referring to you specifically, I was referring to the post.

Who knew that banning 90% of your participants except the most insufferable ones (the ones that suck up to the mods hard enough) would turn the sub into an insufferable meta-fest?


Drama is kinda gay now



Only Reddit men to think that aborted things would want to be with them when real, ALIVE women already don’t lmao


I moment of silence for all our aborted frens :(

Fren, I know, but no matter how few, we have no frens to lose. And these numbers might go for US, but I know there’s a lot of conservative people who haven’t been frenpilled on aboption, and especially bright young women are liable to make such excuses for themselves.

Downvoting my comments is a lot cooler though isn't it.

Doesn't change the fact you're a disgusting person who would strip someones rights away from them to "preserve" a life that you honestly don't give a fuck about once its born

I like frens who are ACTUALLY alive and not a clump of cells.

What percentage of abortions do you think underage rape victims comprise?


Are we really gonna go through the rigamarole

Ha. You sure? Go ahead and post about your interracial relationship here, fren. Do you think you’ll be banned or just downvoted to hell?

I’m not the one saying it, dude. The mods here are. Looks at their activity off the sub. You’re in a white supremacy sub, saying you date someone who isn’t white, and apparently unaware they support an ethno state where races don’t mingle.

This is one of the most insane subreddits what do you expect

The main mod even runs another quarantined sub called r/whitebeauty

Yeah, I’m that case, smothering a newborn baby with a pillow isn’t murder, but killing the baby before it was born is?

No one is saying a child isn’t worth while. The problem lies with people like yourself trying to make decisions for other people when their decision has no impact on your life whatsoever. If a teen gets pregnant at the age of 15 you’re telling me that they cant have the choice to abort it? If they chose to keep it then great, keep it. If not then that means that individual has to fund a child at the age of 15 or put that burden on their parents or whoever. Some people get pregnant and they realize that they aren’t ready for one! Who are you to tell someone they have to keep something and carry it inside their body nine months because they took part in sex? Having sex is natural, we don’t only have to have sex to reproduce. It’s absurd to me that people think its murder when the fetus can not possibly live outside the womb! I also feel like a lot of people against abortion are religious and are putting their religious views into this, and that’s a big problem. What ever happened to church and state being separate?? The people that passed the law in Alabama said “That’s up to God and the Lord to make a judgment that’s not up to us” not only did they say God and the lord like they’re two separated entities, it clearly shows that they are being persuaded by their religious beliefs and that’s not ok. So like i said before. Its not your choice. Its not your body. And you don’t truly care about some womans child you have never met!

Im done arguing with you people. It’s not worth my time, and I said what I said. You’re really reaching with that one pal.

At this point i don't care about the moral implications, if it's murder then it's necessary murder. I've always thought that abortion was murder and that's why i was against it, but then i asked myself what i would do if my wife was having a bay with congenital malformations that we're detected pre-natally and the answer to that was "abort it first thing in the morning" so i can't be against abortion anymore. It's a useful tool for societies, unwanted kids throughout history had worse fates than being aborted when they were just a clump of cells. it's the most humane method we currently have.

vegans bad

they allow right wing political content