frees ive been banned from r/madeofstyrofoam

8  2019-05-17 by MagicJT

all i did was post one frensexual flag and now i can't do anything there i loved that place what do


It’s risky taking frenly memes outside of fren world. I’m a notorious fren poster and have been banned from 109 subs already for spreading frenly ideas. Either keep your frenly posts inside frenworld or be prepared for the bannings. The nonfrens hate us frens.

I knew that, i just got banned and i didn't even post anything there. i just got a message saying 'you have been banned for your participation in r/frenworld'.

That sucks, fren. You could try to appeal it or just use an alt for that sub. You’re always welcome here though. Frenworld will never ban you just for participating in another sub.