Hi frens, I wanted a bath but my sis was in the shower. 1h later she came out. I say Im going to have a bath they say ‘I’m going out with my bf and he needs a shower’ (he’s at our house) and tells me to have 1 when they go. Her bf finishes and when I go. the hot water is out and I must wait longer

50  2019-05-17 by Ignore_the_cow



Don't worry fren soon you will have pleasure of bath

Thank you fren

Your welcome

Use a kettle fren

Turn the water heater way down when it’s their turn so that they can feel the cold fren. 🥶

Ah yes good plan fren

Pro refrenge

Don't worry fren!! You'll get that sweet relaxing bath soon!!

Don't let them take advantage of you, fren