How pathetic do you have to be to post on r/TopMindsOfReddit unironically? They spend hours searching subs they disagree with to find one post with zero upvotes or one comment out of hundreds to take back to their brainlet buddies so they can all feel superior.

109  2019-05-17 by The_Russian_Troll


one post with zero upvotes

Oof fren, u dont need to personally attack me like that.

Haha. They were going in on you, fren.

Kikes are always scheming, fren

That doesn’t sound or seem frenly, nonfren

They’re nonfrens


Perhaps they were the top minds of reddit they seek to mock all along.....


You're not wrong. There was a post on top minds with 2k upvotes where they were mocking some comment with -47. Like, the comment already had -47 when they took the screenshot. Setting the bar pretty low I'd say.



Dont be negative fren even though people hate us we still have each other


That's the problem. Manufactured outrage. Manufactured hate. They post and screenshot and cry for help

Yes, """"""find"""""" a post

Are you implying that someone is on the internet, lying? That's not very frenly...

I will gladly vote in any government that will put anyone who browses topminds into a mental institution. Did daddy not discipline them hard enough as children?

This isn't a very friendly post