Got ditched by my friends, going to alone on prom night frens

55  2019-05-17 by yiffwhore


You'll never walk alone fren

Try to make the best out of it fren! Make your own prom night memorable!

You have 50,432 frens here.

No fren! Never alone. We are by your side 💚

Dress your pillow up in a dress, fren! I'm sure you'll be fine!

They don't deserve you fren, something better will come off from it.

Context - one of the people who ditched him. He sent a load of messages to us, calling our best friends and girlfriends all whores. He said to he "Go fuck your precious little whore of a girlfriend". He has made this out like we are the ones in the wrong, he did this to himself.

Looks he was being unfrenly if true

This is a place for frens only, seems like he lied to gain orange arrows, very unfrenly.

Context - one of the people who ditched him. He sent a load of messages to us, calling our best friends and girlfriends all whores. He said to he "Go fuck your precious little whore of a girlfriend". He has made this out like we are the ones in the wrong, he did this to himself.

Not very frenly u/Alex-Wilkinson72 go back to topminds

Doesn't look at he posts in topminds

I've been there fren

My date ditched me when got to the venue fren. She used me to get there and hang with her friends .

Don’t worry fren, most frens in life come and go. Cherish the frens that stay and enjoy the memory of those that don’t.