When school is almost over and you and your crush like each other but none of you have the guts to ask each other out

32  2019-05-17 by Sad-Shrimp


You'll regret not asking more than you'll regret any possible negative outcome. Go for it fren!

Thank you Fren. Love you free hundred

Fren, I’m gonna give you some frenly advice! If you like the grill, you should definitely go for it and ask her out! You will be in much more pain if you keep your feelings inside and do nothing, the regret is worse than rejection.

I believe in you fren, I know you can do it (I hope I can find a frenly girl someday too :()

Thank you Fren. If this works, I basically owe a lot to you. I love u free hundred fren


See what did I tell you fren? Congrats, I’m going to need some luck too

I owe you a lot fren

bless you fren I wish you a very happy time with her

Ive been rejected by many grill frens in the past few years. I wish I would have made even more attempts when i was a young fren. But once you learn how to deal with rejection, then life is a breeze full of good frens and grill frens. Getting rejected many times only made me a stronger fren, and gave me the courage to approach a grill fren who i am now very much in love with. Good luck fren :)