Hi nonfren. If you could go ahead and become a fren, that would be great.

183  2019-05-16 by ArchibaldForester


Let me ask you something. When you come in on Monday, and you're not feelin' real well, does anyone ever say to you, 'Sounds like someone has a case of the nonfrens'?

I believe that non fren would get his ass kicked

This is being sent to office frens, really funny OP made me almost spill my water!

Heck, even bill lumbergh hugged her

I am already a Far Right Ethno Nationalist, fren

I recently found this sub and have been so confused. Is that what a fren is? Far Right Ethno Nationalist? The content is starting to make (some) sense now.

lol that acronym was cooked up by that hate sub that pretends to be anti-hate.

I'm not familiar. What hate sub? I really don't have an agenda, I'm just curious.

Top minds of reddit

It isn't.

nah, i just took it from some other fren.

the generally accepted meaning of fren is friend stylized in the vocabulary of apu apustaja.

Hmmmm... fren... but normie... but fren...

"I-I-I still haven't gotten my frencheck"

Darn it feels good to be a Frenster...