hey, frens, I was going to work this morning and a guy asked me about the hour, I told him, we started to talk and he liked me and bought me coffee. is this how it is done?

92  2019-05-16 by Iggy-The-Fool


Sounds like a fren indeed.

Fren you got yourself a boyfren.

do you have to be someone's boyfren to pay for coffee?

Yes, but to keep the frenship sailing you need a constant breeze.

Gotta have that breeze, fren.

Did you thank him? Invite him to r/frenworld too!

I did, fren, and I don't think he's a redditor

Making frens is great!

Maybe next he'll buy you tendies


Why are you ree-ing fren

war cry for tendies

Buy him coffee someother time fren

You should hang out with your new fren!