I can't wait to be a dad frens

4224  2019-05-16 by nationalitarian


Credit to Captain Flint on twitter

Cool of you to credit the original creator, thanks for not plagiarizing!

So wholesome fren!

Besides the latter’s more of a man.


Dad's and kids can be the best if frens!

Retired chad new dad here ama frens

Is Stacy the mom?

Stacy would make a terrible mom, fren I went with Jenny.

oh ok good for you fren

Congratulations fren! Is your frenling a girl or a boy?

Lil fren is a blue eyed little boy. Hoping to make more blue eyed frens because the world can always use more frens and less nonfrens.

I feel the exact same way fren, I'm going to have many beautiful blue eyed frenlings too!

finding a frenly woman, and having as many frenlings as you can is the only thing that matters in life.

I agree, fren. I used to think other things were more important, but a frenly women and little frenlings are the most precious possessions in the whole world.

Beautiful fren, I’m very happy for you <3


very good... secure a future for frenly children

how many frens u have fren?

too few fren, and now i'm old. Trust me, if you like who you are, breed. Don't waste time worrying about money. Kids give you a reason to work hard, and the money will come. Every ancestor you've had for billions of years was a strong link in the chain of life that resulted in you being here. Don't let them down. Raise strong and happy frenlings you can be proud of.

what are you trying to say that Brown eyes=nonfren if so then you are a nonfren by definition

Just saying that my lil fren is a fren that happens to have blue eyes. Not all people with blue eyes are frens and not all frens have blue eyes. In fact, i never said anything about brown eyes at all fren! You did! That seems like something a noseclown would say! Bop!

You people are fucked.

Frens look i think a nonfren is projecting and using bad words

Have a good day, fren.

There are no clowns allowed in fren world



Our friend said "blue eyed frens", implying that "blue eyed frens" are a subset of frens in general. There are many frens who don't have blue eyes, but the number of frens who have blue eyes is shrinking so I agree that the world could use more of them! Blue eyes are very nice to look at.

I'm a fren with brown eyes, you're only a nonfren if you're being unfrenly

why do you even bother nonfren?





The Nonfrens are upset you have actual lil Frenlits and they only have 7 cats they refer to as babies.

Cats can be frens too right?

yes but they will never replace having your own little frens

Sure they can.

Why not be a chad dad, fren?

Fren, how many kiddos?

Just one, but I want as many frens as I can have.


How’d you meet women in the past, fren?

All my girlfrens are from work or school my wife is from when I used to lifeguard as a teen.

I just left school. Now I must begin my quest to find a frenly women.

Lots of Christian churches can be a good place to find a frenly one. Just put most of your energy into self improvement and a frenly fren will find you.

That looks like more like a Biff to me, Fren.

same tbh


"Please be patient i have Autism" :(

It’s okay he can be very happy and probably good at logical thinking

True. Raise your frenlings to be the next Teslas.

Frens can be on the spectrum, fren :)

Being a dad is a good way to spread frenliness among your children

Have to be chad first to get girlfren to become dad, fren

This is insidious propaganda fren. Don't fall for it.

Sounds like an unfulfilling life.

That sounds like the blackpill talking fren. Just remember to try hard and do your best.

I can confidently speak for everyone here by saying this: Stay strong fren, we're all gonna make it.

That’s jig talk, fren

Sitcoms have taught us for years that dads are stupid. We should teach sitcoms that they are stupid.

High key agree. Dads should be shown as intelligent, formative, wise, hard working examples for their kids. Not these huge dolts that need the woman to function

Although woman are pretty sweet too

Hey man no argument there. I just think guys are slept on sometimes

I consider myself to be a pretty comfy fren to sleep on.

Aww a cuddly fren :)

I see you couch fren.

And I see you, mod fren. Come have a sit down, take a load off. I got cup holders.

Maybe later, busy weeding out nonfrens at the moment.

Currently they are very triggered on a post about frens raising healthy children in happy homes.

Imagine my surprise.

Sounds like non-frens doing what non-frens do. Go get ‘em, slugger!

Fren, do you keep the change that falls into your couch crack?

I let frens know when they accidentally let some change fall between my folds but when I find some change and nobody’s around to claim it... I hear cash to GBP exchange rates are up...


Brilliant FREN!

I hope I can be a dad someday frens, but I’m almost 30 and single

I was single at 30. Now I have 2 lil frens.

We’re lucky to have two new little versions of you, fren!

My father had me when he was 32 fren. Keep your head up and improve yourself everyday. Seek the future you want fren.

Always Tinder frend, found my current girlfriend on there myself. Give it a shot.

I’m 29 and I feel the same, fren.

Men peak after the age of 30-35. Relax fren, your best years of life are just beginning.

When you are a Dad you have a new fren forever!

Why not both?


I love being a dad. Got a little fren sleeping in my arms right now all tuckered out from play.

That's wonderful fren, thank you for being a dad and raising the next generation of frens to be frenly!

Being a dad is what opened my eyes. I want to leave the world as Frenly as possible for them.

:') that's so beautiful.

Funny thing Dad is a real character in VirginVsChad universe. I think he is a rank higher than Lad.

cant stress how important this is my frens, since non frens have so many kids

Gun loving, litter having, trump voting, uneducated non frens

I think you are telling a lie non-fren

If that's how you define frens then frens are going to be replaced. Non-frens are the future and a fren genocide is inevitable.

Who were you describing if not white frens? Interesting that you first say they are having litters and then say that they are being replaced, which is it?

gee, seems like this whole innocent fren thing has a racial connotation to it


Nice one, fren. I'm not gonna be a parent fren but I won't hate on your exciting new life like the people of r/childfree

Thank you fren, do you mean that you are not going to be a parent now or not at all?

At all! I am happy with this and am glad you are happy to be a dad fren. Frens need more good dads these days, too many frens don't grow up with them :)

I'm not a dad yet, I agree that they are important though but mom frens are almost more important. Maybe think about it fren because we need to make many cute little frenlings to help populate frenworld!

Lots of animal frens!

Frogs are animals too, the best animals, because they look like you and they can also talk and be frenly and they take care of you when you are an old fren!

This fren can not be converted but loves all frens nonetheless

White people replaced children with pets, and pets with minorities


Never thought about it that way fren, maybe I need to make some changes.


congrats fren

People bragging about having sex on frenworld are unfrenly in the extreme. We weren’t all born with good genes

Incels arent frens!

I am an incel, and I am a fren. The fact that I was born ugly doesn’t mean that I don’t love my frens

Being an incel is a choice, fren. Poor your energy into positivity and improvement and women will notice.

Nonfrencels should leave frens alone

I like how the cat has a hat to match his fren's.

Is there anything greater than bearing your kin?

just being happy?

Doing what makes you happy. For some that kids, for others it's other things.

Dads ARE Chads

Good* dads are Chads.

Good chads are dads*

So cute❤

So true, fren.

My wife and I realized we don't want to die alone in a giant house filled with IPAs and iPads.

Can chad be fren

Im a dad of my other frens fren


what about chad dad?

Being a dad is awesome...until your child is taken away from you by the family courts. Now, I get to be a visitation dad every other weekend. I also get to pay my little fren’s mother 42% of my take-home pay.

Deadbeat women are not your fren

That sounds sad fren, I'm sorry.

My little fren is my best fren. We just read a frenly story and now watching a episode of our best buddy fren, Elmo.

Congrats fren!

That sounds very nice fren, and thank you for saying congrats but I'm not a dad yet, just looking forward to it very much!

Dads are the final form of chad

Because I can't live with myself if I make the same mistakes my father made

Wise frens learn from their mistakes but smart frens learn from others. Sounds like your dad taught you a lot of important things not to do, I bet you would make many fine little frens.

I don't think i'll ever be either :(

Being a dad is the most important job to have, fren. Way better than being some dumb old Chad.

Just make sure to look after your children fren. It's a big responsibility being a father.

“Frenworld is full of Not Sees!”

Gosh heck fren this has me tearing up. Congrats on becoming a dad op!

Thank you fren but I'm not a dad yet, just looking forward to becoming a dad a lot!


Can I be a Chad dad?

This is so wholesome and beautiful fren, thank you

You ugly faggots really think you should procreate huh??


I’ll procreate to you fren

Why are you being rude? Are you ok?

thats unfrenly :(

Same here frens, all the chads think im crazy but id have a best fren all the time when im a dad frens im so exsited

Good for you comrade! Best wishes!

The Virgin r/Childfree versus the Chad Fatherhood


you can be both

Next on TopMinds:

Frenworld encourages white people to have more children in order to counteract diversity

LMAO Alabama :^)

i would rather not have kids lol

This is too wholesome; I have tremendous difficulty figuring out underlying white supremacy message. /wsj

This is a frenly version of Gillette ad.

Because overpopulation

Overpopulation is only a problem in non-frenly places. There's no overpopulation in frenworld. In fact, frens are not having enough frenlings!

become dad remain chad

I can't wait for you to be a dad either fren! You will be great

Best is to be dadchad. Chad dad.


Have white babies.

This is so wholesome I cried. I love you, man. I know you'll be a great dad one day.

I feel the exact same way fren, I'm going to have many beautiful blue eyed frenlings too!


very good... secure a future for frenly children

what are you trying to say that Brown eyes=nonfren if so then you are a nonfren by definition

It’s okay he can be very happy and probably good at logical thinking



Frens can be on the spectrum, fren :)

The Nonfrens are upset you have actual lil Frenlits and they only have 7 cats they refer to as babies.

I am an incel, and I am a fren. The fact that I was born ugly doesn’t mean that I don’t love my frens