Frens I think I just had my first panic attack after breaking up with my first girlfriend and it was pretty fuckin scary. I love her but we’re better off frens. It’s 2am, it’s been a rough past week and I just dont feel good. Can any frens help :(

13  2019-05-16 by mistermilkk


Is ok fren. Panic attacks are scary but don't worry they'll go away eventually. If she couldn't appreciate an amazing fren such as yourself maybe she's in the wrong.

I hope things look up for you fren <3

Fren as hard as it is to hear, you will have many more girl friends before you find the one. Take some time to your self and know we all have been through it and you will too! Smile fren.

I had my first panic attack a few years ago, it hit awhile after the stress itself so I remember being scared that I would get one again at random. Try to remain calm for now. It's okay to feel bad about this, but it's just one more stitch in the long tapestry of your life. I promise this will get easier fren.

It takes a year to forget so get started today


It's gonna be okay fren. It'll get worse before it gets better. Just hang on.

It's okay my fren it takes time. I'm 3 months out rn and it is still very difficult but it is getting easier. Just stay strong my friend, maybe make a routine doing something new like going to the gym