Ay caramba

203  2019-05-16 by _Plague_Doctor_


NOO FREN! turn of the shower quick!

Fren it looks like you’ll be needing a new shower.

Get one from a better place, fren.

Brazil ha ha. Electrical shower heater. What could go wrong?

Now your brain broke fren.

Noooo that's not safe! Watch out!

I didn't think this was a real thing until I googled it.

Now I have a new fear

where i'm living now has a shower heater, but it's up where the fan and light are, not for heating the water. oil & gas are much, much more cost-efficient than electricity for heating or hot water, so this is kind of like space heaters.

Now you’re a top mind fren

kek, gave me a good laugh fren

Uma delicia


Sopa do macaco Kkkkkk


Is OK Fren, look like it still grounded, but pull fuse to be saf!

Frens this shower makes my PP tingle and my feet feel funny

How come ground is connected but power isn’t