Happy Birthday to my favorite TV news man Tucker Carlfren

122  2019-05-16 by Take-The-Honk-Pill


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why are you smehispering fren

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Tucker is one of the few frens on television

He yells and calls people stupid. Not a frenly person. Needs a hug

He stands up for frens against the nonfrens

By being mean and hateful towards others, which seems to go against everything about being a fren.

mean and hateful 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 telling the truth is hate now awesome

Thought this was a friendly place, but it's just more politics. Sad.

go away nonfren we dont need your type on frenworld

How you treat other people, especially here, should not be political or based on your opinion. Be a better person.

i think your lost nonfren, the doors over there

Keep politics out of frenworld many thanks


Why do you have to be so aggressive, fren?


that sounds like something a nonfren would say, its not politics carlfren is a fren

I agree. There's nothing wrong with wishing a fren a Happy Birthday.

thanks fren, whats with all these nofrens lately eh?

You have never posted on frenworld

Do not immigrate to frenworld then tell frens to change their culture and traditions

Actually i did.first post+ been pretty active in comments

Never immigrate to anyones worl and tell frens there to change culture and tradition.

I dont get this post frens the words are too big :^((((

Carlfren is a true fren of the frenworld. That's why non-frens hate him

How you treat other people, especially here, should not be political or based on your opinion. Be a better person.