
289  2019-05-16 by ExpertSurprise


Some people are so stupid it’s hard to laugh. It’s just pitiful.

Honk honk



We live in a world of clowns

Laughing supports rape culture and promotes toxic masculinity!

No swearing, that is unfrenly, they just need some frens to help with some mental challenges, ok fren?

This is just as bad as the whole "water drinking and the alt right" - maybe a little worse because its on medium which is higher profile.

Disastrous how? If nonfrens can't laugh anymore...

I feel bad for the nonfrens that cant laugh

I think her husband's girlfriend wont approve of these news...

I need this link

Might be satire, idk. Medium or the author removed the article but here's the archive


It's pretty clearly satire

Not in clown world it isnt.

Okay. I want this to be satire.

"Serious" scholarly articles have been written recently that claim walking your dog is an act of white supremacy. The 👌🏻hand sign is being censored on national TV. It's almost impossible to satirize these people anymore.

Yeah, I can't tell anymore either..

Based on the twitter feed of the author, I think it's satire.

looks like satire fren

Sadly it's not

this is the new symbol 🏳️‍🌈 its our symbol now 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈

All colors equal, all colors separate. Support diversity!

why separate fren? i like to be with all frens regardless of where they started frenning

Mixing turns them all brown, fren

thats not nice, nonfren😡

Not frenly to lose colors

All cultures are beautiful and should be preserved. We lose the best parts of us when we get all mixed up fren.

all frens are welcome in the frenworld

I love separate but equal things

Honk Honk

Frenly reminder that believers in clown world are friends, but clowns are nonfrens