Nonfrens bopped my doggo, frens. I'm gonna bop'em, I'm gonna bop'em all!

286  2019-05-16 by SuccMuchC0x56



Not just a doggo; it was a final gift from my wife, a chance to grieve unalone.

No fren! No! Bop those nonfrens!

I will not rest until it is done, fren.

Do not stop until they’re bopped as hard as the doggo. No matter how much they ask to stop, continue bopping the pupper boppers!

What the hell is bop

Is what happens to nonfrens when they become too unfrenly.

Yeah and what would that imply?

It means the nonfren is hereby admonished

In what actionable way?

By bopping

Which is defined as¿

Bippity boppity boop

They called him boppa yaga

No? This fren is the person to bop boppa yaga

Bop them non-frens, fren. But remember not to do it in the frenly hotel.

can't wait to see john fren 3

Me too!

Just watched it, it's still great!

but do you have a badass sound track to use while doing this fren?


I heard that you bopped 3 non-frens in a bar with a pencil.

Imagine what he could do with a shooty shoot

I'm gonna need bops, lots of bops.

Candle wick, no! You might bop em too hard, fren. I think I still got a couple foam swords lying around.

I need a squirty-gun