My fren here colored War paint on his face and yelled about how he doesn’t like taxes. Can you help me calm him down?

62  2019-05-16 by MaxDearborn


Taxation is not frenly! 😤

We all go through that phase when we get our first pay check, fren.

You think he’ll grow out of it? I hope it’s soon he just went out to “stockpile firearms to use when the older brother non frens come”

He sounds like my kind of fren.

just need to tell him we have limited government, and he can buy all the guns he wants. because the boogaloo will come.

Real frens slot lizerds.

you are so right, fren

Anarcho capitalism the movie

Taxes aren't frenly

I want to be his fren too!

Calming him down is gonna be pretty hard