Even whiteboard world is filled with nonfrens

7  2019-05-15 by Yevrei


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Fren, I cannot tell if the non fren is a goofy guy or a racial caricature. I hope it is the former. Black frens, white frens and Asian frens are all frens.

What do you mean black, white, and Asian frens? We are one frens, United in a social movement.

That's what I said. It doesn't matter who you are unless you are fren.

All my frens are green. If you are some other color i dont think thats healthy should prolly see the vet.

Why would you assume it's a racial caricature? What race do you think looks like this? This isn't very frenly!


But race is merely a social construct fren! That's why racism doesn't exist. We are all exactly the same! No need for hiring quotas or reparations, we all frens

im with you fren, this sub has gone downhill bc of all the non frens being frensist towards others :( i thought we were all frens...

Yeh fren. I came here when I heard about non frens trying to shut down the fren club house, but when I see this, I wonder if they're deliberately trying to sabotage the fren house or if they have good, but misguided intentions. Whether the non frenlee activity is a result of, or the cause of the top minds post, I'm not sure.

What makes that a non fren? Looks like a perfectly fine fren to me. Am I missing something?

I thought he was fren but then he act like nonfren :(

What nonfren thing did he do?

He borrowed my bike and biked away. Maybe if he brings it back and says sorry then we can be frens again

nonfrens are always so goofy looking, it makes me sad, fren :(

me too 😢

This os the quality content I come here 4


what he said


tbf this kinda just gives topnonfrens firepower

i will be honest, sometimes the things they point out are dead true and some people on here are terrible people....

That doesn't make the whole place nonfrenly though :(

Nonethles that kind of unfrenly content should be moderated

yeah I come on here to see if this place is really a gathering of white power, cause you can't trust everything you hear on reddit

but there is a concerning amount of it here, like jesus christ

Did you sort by controversial, fren? That and after nonfrens said mean things we've been having fun and baiting them. The few non fren posts here are downvoted like h*ck or removed

Mods, do him a BOP

Yeh fren. I came here when I heard about non frens trying to shut down the fren club house, but when I see this, I wonder if they're deliberately trying to sabotage the fren house or if they have good, but misguided intentions. Whether the non frenlee activity is a result of, or the cause of the top minds post, I'm not sure.

That doesn't make the whole place nonfrenly though :(

yeah I come on here to see if this place is really a gathering of white power, cause you can't trust everything you hear on reddit

but there is a concerning amount of it here, like jesus christ