I'm a failure. Some how I ended up getting my highest mark turned into my lowest mark at school. Now I'm on academic probation. The world seems pointless now. They didn't even bother post my final exam mark and they are assuming that I violated some academic rule so they are failing me in the course

11  2019-05-15 by Sick_Puppy_Gaming


Hey I’m sorry to hear that fren, I hope all goes well :( . This is just a road block stopping you from your true potential.

Hey fren, I know this has to be tough. It's hard to not feel unfrenly but life has a way of turning unfrenly things into frenly things. We all make mistakes and sometimes those mistakes are what we need to actually help us! I know many people who's missteps actually motivated them a lot and helped them learn a lot to become much better frens. There's a plan for you fren! We are all bound to stumble in this life but we just have to get back up and stay frenly. That's what makes us good frens.

Take it easy on yourself a bit and try and think of what steps you can take to fix it. It's not the end fren! All of your frens here are here to help and rooting for you. You'll bounce back better than ever fren :)

Keep head high fren. Things will improve!

It's all relative fren. One day you'll be able to look back at it and laugh. But for now you must accept failure first.

Go talk to advisors, own up to whatever you did wrong, show them you are aware of yourself and recognize your mistakes. Even if nothing happens from it you know you were a fren who tried to fix stuff. Good luck my fren , sweet dreams.

All I did was study hard and work my ass off. :<

Talk to prof fren, in most cases if you can demonstrate knowledge which should be easy if did authentically, then can get marks fixed. Good luck fren

bop them
