FRENLIEST PSA: Retroactive open letter to Reddit admins, and some clarification.

164  2019-05-15 by SergeiSuvorov

In light of Reddit admins coming down on our friends over at /r/ChapoTrapHouse - and the concerted negative attention our subreddit has been experiencing over the past month - we've decided to clarify some things.

Part of this process is to make public our letter to the admin team; it was written almost exactly 14 days ago, right at the peak of brigading season, with the intent to head off any misunderstandings and touch base with the admins.

To date, we haven't received any reply back, which we take to mean that they either did not see the letter, or they looked at the subreddit and decided it wasn't worth addressing, given the ridiculous nature of the accusations against us. Regardless, given recent events, we think it's prudent to make this letter public, as well as clear up a couple other issues.

The letter, in full:

Hey guys, hope this finds you well!

I'm part of the mod team on r/frenworld - a sub that has exploded in popularity the past week or two - and I'm writing on behalf of the mod team to make sure we're meeting your expectations in regards to our moderation.

To give a bit of background, the sub was founded 7 months ago, by some admittedly right-leaning people: and due to the theme (apustaga frog), it attracted a similar, and in many cases more extreme crowd.

Regardless, the original intent of the sub has been, and remains to be a safe place for people to get encouragement, support, and in general to post wholesome memes. In this, I think, we have largely succeeded, recent brigades and reactions notwithstanding.

We want a place for every "fren" (our lingo for our readers) to feel welcome, regardless of things like politics, and to that end we have, up until now, taken a more lax approach in moderation. To make it clear, we have always done our best to remove any violent or extremist content, and we've stepped it up recently.

In light of the large amount of attention and scrutiny shown to us by individuals in some other subreddits, we want to outline what we have done since we became aware of the large traffic growth, and the increased responsibility it entails:

+Age/Karma post/comment automod filter: to prevent spam and other unsavory posts

+Slur/etc word filter: to remove any ethnic or racial slurs, as well as allusions and references to previously quarantined/deleted subs (which we have said on multiple occasions we are not related to in any capacity)

+New moderators: we've added on some mods we know are invested in the community to help with removing any content violating the ToS that they see.

+More stringent moderation: we're giving less benefit of the doubt, and cracking down more heavily on comments and posts where applicable.

+A sticky post, explaining the intent of the subreddit.

And for a final bit of clarification, we've seen it alleged that the admittedly childish lingo that's become part of r/frenworld, such as "bop" for example, means something more nefarious like "kill". I want to make it absolutely clear that this is not our understanding, nor the proper context.

I hope this has made everything more transparent, and I hope to hear back soon if your team still has any concerns or requests for us in how we run things.

We're definitely open to considering whatever steps you still feel are necessary after our above measures.

Cheers, Sergei


That being out of the way, there's a couple other housekeeping items on the list. Bear with me, frens!

  1. "Fren" does not mean "Far right ethno-nationalist". That is absolutely ridiculous. It's literally a silly frog's way of saying "friend". If you ever thought it meant the former, you can leave the subreddit right now.

  2. Don't post screens of other subs. This includes replies on other subs, you being banned on other subs, and especially screens with uncensored usernames and other such data. It's stale, it's boring, it's against our rules, and it's potentially against Reddit's rules for brigading.

  3. We don't think our frens are complicit in this nearly as much as non-frens that brigade us (and it's ridiculous we even have to say this) but any calls to violence will be bopped with extreme prejudice.

I think that's it for now. Remember the way of the frenpill, and don't succumb to the absurdity of clown world. Together, we can make a fren world :)

Stay cozy, frens!


This post makes me wish I could read

Sound it out, fren :)

We believe in yew, fren!


You can do it, fren! :)


Dont worry fren. Just because everyone tell you that ur a not-see doesnt mean you shan't read!

Thanks, modfren!

Kvetching intensifies

🎵 we didn't start the kvetching!

it was always stirring

since the world's been turning

we didn't start the kvetching!

no we didn't honk it

but we tried to bop it... 🎵

Wow fren you're talented!

Thanks, fren! I practice in the shower :)

Well spoken fren nice job.

[Muffled angry NPC noises in the distance]


Later frens. Come to the circus if you want more fun. Stay here if you like cozy.


This post deserves gold shekel!

Now here’s a frenly goy!

gold shekels are the best shekels

Thx for keeping frenworld safe fren

Don't cry nonfrens, here, have a tissue

Thanks modfren, I really like this place!

We Frenly!

The frenliest!

Really like that letter, it's good to have that out in the open. Sends a clear message all around. Well done.

MARFA: MAke Reddit Frenly Again

Sorry fren, "Marfa" sounds like a grandmother late to her bingo game


Marfa Stewart

thank you fren. just wanted to add that /r/TopMindsOfReddit has a sticky on their board encouraging other people to brigade us and saying we are 'white nationalists' and not-sees! this has been going on for 2 weeks!

they are breaking reddits TOS on brigading!

I’m sick of being called a not-see!!! I wear contacts and when i wear them i see fine! Why do they keep lying and saying i not see?? I drive, i play pool, i do everything people who see do just find! I see just as good as them, maybe even better than some! Tell then to stop saying the lie that i not-see!

good for you fren


This sub would be a-okay without the stupid little "subtle" nods to whatever bullshit ideology someone wants to peddle.

If you can't acknowledge that is happening here then you're blind, dumb, or both.

Lol, your schizo topminds sub sees 1488 patterns all over frenworld.

Seeing things that are not there, recognizing patterns where none exist, and having overly emotional responses to imagined stimuli are the hallmarks of a paranoid schizo, fren


It's not like they're decoding a crypto puzzle, you shitbird. There are pictures of frogs talking about ovens and the number 1488. It's not a pattern, it's just... there.

I don't understand if you're being satirical? Do you really believe that it's not blatently obvious?

There is no racism in frenworld, only frens

Maybe the long-nose person has an over-sensitive sense of smell?
I'm so terribly sorry for you, fren. 😢😢😢

To cheer you up I'm throwing a knitting party. I named it the Dawn of the Yarn. You are much invited 🌄🧶

Honk Honk



Advocating violence, allegedly

The 14 days letter. I like it

coincidence? 🤔

No such thing. Stop trying to notice things.



But you lose your shit when Chapo jokes about killing people that have been dead a hundred fucking years, because you're retarded.


Peak of brigading season

Why are non-frens so hell bent on coming here to frenworld? Makes me think, fren.

They just wish they had fren, but are too non frenly to do so. Jus full of hayt. You no make frens when you hayt

More things to address:

Clownworld in not related to Frenworld. Apu and Honkler are different memes.

Nonfren means people who hate this sub, not minorities

Frenworld has no official Discord server. Any existing are unauthorized.

People who hate this sub are minorities though. The majority of people here are frens!


Nonfrens are anyone seeking to destroy wholesome values

There is nothing wrong with Honkler. He is welcome here as a fren

Please stricter rules, there some generally bad stuff in new



Can i ask how come the honkers can’t be honk frens? Are they not frenly with us?

They can be frens, just have behave in a frenly manner

"Fren" does not mean "Far right ethno-nationalist".

Do some of them actually believe that? Or did they just make it up to trick the nonfren admins into bopping us?

We made it up in response to their brigade

It was first mentioned in topminds, then we made fun of it

They made it up, and may or may not actually believe it


If you’re not far-right ethnonationalists, then remove the mods who are mods of subreddits who are. Ban people posting “Honkler” shit.

Actually add some weight to these empty words



Do it, degenerate.


There are some nonfrens posting in here that are not being frenclusive, mods need to be better at bopping those comments!

no discord disavow is gonna get this sub banned~


Chaposhithouse are non-frens

why was my post deleted

"not far right" the thinly "veiled" post about abortion and comments within (Hillary/Bernie need pizza toppings) seem to disagree.

I removed it.

Look at me. Look at me. I am the top mod now.


Always a shame when we have to clarify such obvious things. Can't people just be silly on the Internet for once?


I’m not sure it is obvious sometimes.

Is hoping non-frens who want to bop us get bopped a call to violence?

Not if they're sentenced by a jury of their peers in a valid court of law :)

Not if they're sentenced by a jury of their peers in a valid court of law :)

Not if they're sentenced by a jury of their peers in a valid court of law :)

Not if they're sentenced by a jury of their peers in a valid court of law :)

Not if they're sentenced by a jury of their peers in a valid court of law :)

Not if they're sentenced by a jury of their peers in a valid court of law :)

Not if they're sentenced by a jury of their peers in a valid court of law :)

Not if they're sentenced by a jury of their peers in a valid court of law :)



There is literally a post on the front page right under this referencing the white supremacist 14 words thing, in the positive, and this is acknowledged in the top comment

I'm not even going to touch the "making the trains run on time" one because sure, that could be satire, if it weren't in the same place as the above where it becomes saying the quiet part loud.

You can say that this place is for white supremacists and nihilists get together to try to be wholesome and supportive of one another, sure. But some of you seem to whole-heartedly believe that the "white supremacist" part simply isn't true despite it being right smack in front of you every day. I'm fascinated by how that comes to be.

If you want to be taken seriously and have a place where you can post cute Pepe memes, ban the creepy white power subtext and just post cute wholesome memes.

There is no "official" r/frenworld discord. Any discord that is claiming to be such is fake, and any discord where users advocate violence or other illegal activities is unironically disavowed.

yeah... i'm thinkin thats based

There is no "official" r/frenworld discord. Any discord that is claiming to be such is fake, and any discord where users advocate violence or other illegal activities is unironically disavowed.

yeah... i'm thinkin thats based

There is no "official" r/frenworld discord. Any discord that is claiming to be such is fake, and any discord where users advocate violence or other illegal activities is unironically disavowed.

yeah... that's gonna be a based from me

There is no "official" r/frenworld discord. Any discord that is claiming to be such is fake, and any discord where users advocate violence or other illegal activities is unironically disavowed.

yeah... that's gonna be a based from me



Someone said to ban this sub.

Some people have too much free time.

There is no "official" r/frenworld discord. Any discord that is claiming to be such is fake, and any discord where users advocate violence or other illegal activities is unironically disavowed.

yeah... I'm thinkin' this is based



Can the frenworld server be updated to 1.14.1, modfrens?

There is no frenworld server, yet.

No official server.

Can you make one

Yep, we have a Tekkit Legends server in the works. Just needs a bit more work with plugins, and it'll be good to go!

Is it just called Frenworld


Can I have a Fren flair, modfrens?

We get no respec from protecting our other frens from non frens. But we will respec eachother frens!

What the hell is the point of this forum? I am very lost.

I'm confused; what happened with chapotraphouse? I thought it was just topminds and hatesubs messing with us. Chapotraphouse is not a very good fren, they like bopping people for the sake of bopping


good for you fren

Lol, your schizo topminds sub sees 1488 patterns all over frenworld.

Seeing things that are not there, recognizing patterns where none exist, and having overly emotional responses to imagined stimuli are the hallmarks of a paranoid schizo, fren