Hello frens. I'm a new fren from UK. Exams are soon. Please motivate me to study frens I'm applying to be a doctor and need good grades.

62  2019-05-15 by i_like_stamps


Good luck Dr.Fren! I am sure you will do a good job Take care

Thank you!

Fren as a fellow person taking a level chemistry good luck

Hello fren how are you finding Chem? Good luck to you too!

Chem is hard my fren maths and physics are easier


Go do it fren! I believe in you! πŸ’š

Thank you fren! I won't let you down!

Good luck Dr. Fren, always remember! Stay focused! Don’t focus on the negatives that will inevitably come your way, keep your eyes on the prize. And always stay cozy and keep your circle full of only coziest of frens!!!!

Thank you for the good advice fren! πŸ’š

Don't get a GF until you become doctor!

Can I get a BF before I become a doc?

Fag it away!

Am I still a fag fren if I'm an XX?

Apologies for being an evil misogynist and assuming your gender.

Forgiven fren πŸ’š

Hello fellow UK fren! Good luck in your A levels, I have a couple of AS exams to revise.

Hello! Thank you and good luck to you too! Don't worry too much, AS doesn't count towards much!

I gotta pass them though, or I'm not gonna be able to get into 2nd year.

Remember the OIL RIG mnemonic, fren!

Ah yes thank you fren redox is hard

I applaud you fren, I use titanic words fren so ur big mind matter may understand me common speak

I have a very smol mind fren but thank you!

Study hard to be doctor fren, otherwise you will be Tesco fren!

Oh no my frens wouldn't be proud if I become a Tesco fren. Must study!

Forgiven fren πŸ’š